May 2023


2023-06-21T22:29:53-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Consciousness / Spirituality|

Author: Maria Montessori Maria Montessori presents the methods of her amazingly effective educational system. Today, thousands of her schools exist around the world, although people were slow to accept her methods during her life. Following her death, the Harvard’s Center for Cognitive Studies, among others, [...]

The Great Secret

2023-06-24T20:15:26-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Consciousness / Spirituality|

Subtitle: Life’s Meaning as Revealed through Ancient, Hidden Traditions Author: Maurice Maeterlinck The essential text for those seeking the true origin of religion and the meaning of life itself. The author explored the world’s hidden mysteries for years until stumbling upon a startling insight. This [...]


2023-06-24T20:14:44-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Fiction / Miscellaneous|

Author: H.G. Wells This chilling, futuristic novel, published in 1914, was prophetic on a major scale. Wells predicts nuclear warfare years before research began and describes the chain reactions involved and the resulting radiation. He describes a weapon of enormous power, used from the [...]


2023-06-21T20:41:18-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Philosophy, Quotes / Verse / Poetry|

Author: Frank Townshend Intro: Paul Tice This book is a celebration of the earth and the beauty of life. Much like his other book, Heaven, it is written in poetic verse but reads more like a story. It shares powerful insights and lessons which [...]

THIS IS A BOOK: Why Real Books Are Better

2023-06-21T20:55:43-07:00May 27th, 2023|Books and Media, Catalog|

Author: Paul Tice Made for human readers. Not designed for Androids, Psions, Symbians, Kobos, Droids, JooJoos, Nooks, Archos, Rocketfish, Mobipockets, Kindles, iPods, iPads, Eee-pads, or pee-pads (for dogs). Not made for Microsoft Readers, Alex Readers, Arghos Readers, Palm OS Readers, DNL Readers, Apabi Readers, [...]


2023-07-05T12:23:14-07:00May 27th, 2023|Black Studies, Booklets, Catalog|

Subtitle: Unanswered Questions Author: George Breitman Includes The Trial, by Herman Porter. Reprints twelve articles about the assassination of Malcolmx on February 21, 1965, and the trial, from January 21 to March 11, 1966, of three men charged with the killing. The defendants were [...]

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