May 2023

Matrix of Power

2023-06-19T19:05:30-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Conspiracy|

Subtitle: Secrets of World Control Author: Jordan Maxwell Jordan Maxwell is considered to be the world's foremost authority on ancient religions and modern conspiracies. His work on the true meaning of symbols, logos, and company insignias has also fascinated audiences around the world for [...]

Highlights of Templar History

2023-06-21T22:42:36-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Secret Societies / Freemasonry|

Subtitle: Includes the Knights Templar Constitution and Abbreviated By-Laws Author: William Moseley Brown Forward: Paul Tice The Knights Templar is a secret society that has existed for many centuries. Few books have been written about them from an insiders point of view. This book [...]

Mushrooms and Mankind

2023-06-09T07:26:22-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf, Shamanism and Entheogens|

Author: James Arthur Subtitle: The Impact of Mushrooms on Human Consciousness and Religion Uncovers the natural link between man, consciousness and God, due to mankind’s age-old symbiotic relationship with mushrooms. This discovery may at first seem abstract, wishful thinking, or even impossible; yet as [...]

Growing into Light

2023-06-21T15:35:13-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Native Americans / Shamanism|

Author: Max Freedom Long Subtitle: A Guidebook in Huna Magic This is basically a workbook in Huna magic. It came about because those who had read the author’s previous books wanted to strengthen their skills in Huna through daily practice. This book offers powerful [...]


2023-06-19T19:25:21-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Philosophy|

Author: Sir Francis Bacon Bacon is considered to have been one of the greatest minds to have ever lived. These essays consist of various subjects, giving us a great overview of his thoughts on all facets of life. He did three main releases of [...]

Witchcraft Today

2024-04-13T13:10:44-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, New Releases, Wicca and Paganism|

Author: Gerald B. Gardner From the “father of modern witchcraft” comes his best known work, Witchcraft Today. It is the first book to reveal the true origins of witchcraft and how it became what it is today. According to Wiccans, this book forms the basis [...]

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