June 2023

The Paganism in Our Christianity

2023-06-21T19:28:06-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Arthur Weigall It took three centuries after the death of Jesus for Christianity to become an organized religion, at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. During this formative time it was difficult for Christianity to compete and survive with the many forms [...]

History of the Cross

2023-06-21T15:42:20-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Subtitle: The Pagan Origin and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image Author: Henry Dana Ward Foreward: Paul Tice Ward wrote many positive Christian books, but one thing bothered him after years of research. He found that the traditional beliefs surrounding the cross and [...]

Pocket Theology

2023-06-22T15:46:32-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Voltaire A collection of quotes, aphorisms and definitions arranged alphabetically. It serves as a pocket dictionary of theology like none other found today. Virtually every- thing he wrote during his life on religion was immediately banned, so this collection of “highlights” will allow the [...]

The Devil’s Pulpit – Volume Two

2023-06-22T08:02:44-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Rev. Robert Taylor Includes the complete Memoir of Taylor’s life, found only in the Book Tree edition. The sermons from both volumes stirred up more trouble in England than most anything else during this time. Taylor questioned every- thing in the Christian faith [...]

The Devil’s Pulpit – Volume 1

2023-06-19T19:23:18-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Subtitle: Astro-theological Sermons Author: Rev. Robert Taylor This series of sermons was meant to challenge the rigid and uncompromising views that were held by Christianity in England at the time. Reverend Taylor was originally a doctor who took up the holy orders in the [...]


2023-06-21T22:39:32-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Ernest Renan This was the first biography to present Jesus as a gifted and spiritual man, but as a man only. He had wisdom and taught using parables. He was opportunistic and clever in achieving his aims. According to Renan, Jesus became increasingly enthusiastic [...]

The Age of Reason

2023-06-24T21:31:05-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Thomas Paine Paine was a brilliant man who played a vital role in the American Revolution of 1776. This was the last book he wrote, which centers almost entirely on Christianity. To Paine, it made sense to question everything in order to make valid [...]

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