June 2023


2023-06-22T07:46:28-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Hilton Hotema Parts 1 and 2 Together This is an overview of the world’s most important ancient knowledge. It begins with a brief summary of our knowledge within all of the major scientific fields, then explains why this great knowledge falls short. The author [...]


2023-06-15T09:22:20-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf, Religious Controversy|

Full title:  THE TWO BABYLONS: Or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife Author: Alexander Hislop Presents evidence showing that virtually all of the practices of the Roman Catholic Church have been brought over from Paganism, replacing the original [...]

History of the First Council of Nice

2023-06-22T07:53:27-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Subtitle: A World's Christian Convention, A.D. 325: With a Life of Constantine Author: Dean Dudley Includes The Life of Constantine, who came to power in ruthless fashion and orchestrated the Council. He approved Christianity in 313 for the entire Roman Empire after murderous plots [...]

Jesus: God, Man, or Myth?

2023-06-21T15:43:47-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Herbert Cutner Did pagan mythologies represent Christ’s “miracles” in order to convince them to accept the faith? Beyond these miracles Cutner claims there is little evidence to prove that Jesus was a man. He says the Apostle Paul never portrayed Jesus as a man, [...]

GOD-MAN: The Word Made Flesh

2023-06-21T21:27:46-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: George W. Carey and Inez Eudora Perry There is a divine part of mankind. It exists mostly as potential but it can be reached, according to the authors. A large body of surprising evidence is presented in this book, not only from Christian scriptures, [...]

Religion Must Die

2023-06-21T21:42:42-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Rich Stanit The author believes in God, but not in religion. By using the texts, scriptures and teachings of most global religions, the author provides ample evidence as to why religions must die. Most religions provide all the ammunition needed to use against them, [...]

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