The Mis-Education of the Negro

2023-06-21T21:03:38-07:00June 7th, 2023|Black Studies, Catalog|

Author: Carter Woodson Popular title clarifying the importance of black history and culture. Points out the shortcomings of a “Euro-centric” teaching structure that neglects black culture and heritage. This has resulted in mis-educated and caused many to live in complete contradiction to their own best [...]


2023-06-21T11:23:40-07:00June 7th, 2023|Catalog, Conspiracy|

Subtitle: What Are We to Do With Our Lives Author: H. G. Wells A guidebook on world management, which Wells believed should be orchestrated through what he called the “Open Conspiracy.” It is fully outlined here, designed to be run by separate groups working [...]

The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”

2023-06-21T11:59:34-07:00June 7th, 2023|Catalog, Conspiracy|

Subtitle: The Unrevealed in History Author: Count Cherep-Spriridovich Foreword: Paul Tice Rants against Freemasonry, Satan, international banks, Napoleon, and more. It makes a series of unsubstantiated claims against Jews and possibly substantiated ones against the Rothschilds of his time. With the author’s personal biases put [...]

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

2023-07-05T12:34:31-07:00June 7th, 2023|Catalog, Conspiracy|

Author: Victor Marsden Supposedly outlines a plan by elders of the Jewish Nation to rule the world – to take control over key organizations, including assets, in order to manipulate world affairs in their favor. After careful study we do not endorse this book [...]

The Empire of “The City”

2023-06-21T12:02:13-07:00June 7th, 2023|Catalog, Conspiracy|

Subtitled: The Secret History of British Financial Power Author: Matthew Arnold The author presents a behind the scenes look at the secretive international policies of the British government and how their successes allowed them to rise to the top of a vast secret order [...]

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

2023-06-19T18:58:27-07:00June 7th, 2023|Catalog, Conspiracy|

Author: Anonymous This is the top secret manual said to be found by accident in 1986 by an employee of Boeing Aircraft. He bought a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a government sale and found the manual inside. The manual outlines a [...]

Cyberculture Counterconspiracy – Volume Two

2023-06-07T07:32:52-07:00June 7th, 2023|Catalog, Conspiracy|

Author: Kenn Thomas A Steamshovel Web Reader Volume Two, edited by Kenn Thomas. Volume Two includes book reviews, Prouty hypothesis, Loch Ness, Bin Laden (before 911), Casolaro, the Octopus, Reich, Anthrax, Waco, HIV origin, military build-up, Owen Hart, Morrow, castration, the Tippit connection, the [...]

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