The Leyden Papyrus

2023-06-21T22:35:41-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Magic / Alchemy / Occult|

Author: F. Ll. Griffith Editor: Herbert Thompson This Egyptian book of magic includes powerful spells passed down through the ages. It was discovered in the mid-1800s and, after being carefully pieced together, formed a fifteen-foot strip of papyrus containing intriguing spells and potions that could [...]

The Works of Aleister Crowley Vol. 3

2023-06-04T15:54:58-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Magic / Alchemy / Occult|

Author: Aleister Crowley His work from 1904-1907, is mostly mystical poetry along with an Epilogue containing a scathing indictment of religion. Contains a more flamboyant tone, which carried over into his next great achievement, The Equinox. Almost half this volume contains the poem Orpheus: A [...]


2023-06-21T21:02:35-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Magic / Alchemy / Occult|

Author: Aleister Crowley Although written as a novel, Crowley admitted it was true. With his black magick and occult background the press called him “The Wickedest Man in the World.” This included drug use, and this book brings the reader into the minds of users. [...]

Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored

2023-06-21T21:34:07-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Magic / Alchemy / Occult|

Author: Archibald Cockren The cryptic language and symbolism commonly found in alchemy is laid bare so we can comprehend exactly what was meant and what was happening during the pursuit of the alchemical elixir. Reveals the main alchemical law operating within the human spirit and [...]

The Magus – Book Two

2023-06-22T15:36:24-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Magic / Alchemy / Occult|

Author: Francis Barrett Book Two covers magnetic powers, Cabalistic magic, the names of angels and spirits, the performing of invocations, conjuring spirits, magic circles, receiving oracles in dreams, good and evil spirits, and concludes with a major biographical section on the great magicians of history. [...]

The Magus – Book One

2023-06-22T13:55:48-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Magic / Alchemy / Occult|

Author: Francis Barrett Subtitle: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy The most sought after set of books on magic and alchemy ever published. Powerful work considered so dangerous that for many years, only rare copies could be found in certain libraries, locked away from [...]

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