2023-06-21T18:40:26-07:00June 1st, 2023|Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog|

Subtitle: The View From 2100 Author: Neil Freer A visionary work from a futuristic philosopher. Presents in great detail a positive view of the new human and new human society that is coming based on our genetic heritage and the work of Zecharia Sitchin. [...]

God Games

2023-06-21T11:19:11-07:00June 1st, 2023|Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf|

Subtitle: What Do You Do Forever? Author: Neil Freer Introduction: Zecharia Sitchin Outlines the human evolutionary scenario far into the future. Describes what’s in store for us as our dawning genetic enlightenment reveals the new human, and the racial maturity of a new planetary [...]

Breaking the Godspell

2023-06-21T11:17:18-07:00June 1st, 2023|Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf|

Subtitle: The Politics of our Evolution Author: Neil Freer Introduction: Zecharia Sitchin Freer explores the archaeological, astronomical and genetic evidence for our being a half-alien, genetically engineered species. He presents the mind-boggling ramifications of this new paradigm which correct and resolve the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict, [...]


2023-06-21T18:41:20-07:00May 31st, 2023|Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog|

Author: Nicholas de Vere For those interested in the Grail families or who wish to study the ancient mythological, legendary and historical origins of the dragon lineage. Contains the most comprehensive genealogies of the Houses of Vere, Weir and Collison published to date. Also [...]


2023-06-21T18:42:30-07:00May 31st, 2023|Ancient History / Human Origins, Catalog|

Subtitle: The Secret History of an Ancient Bloodline Author: Nicholas de Vere Outlines in detail the ancient dragon bloodline – where it came from and what it really means. Were those who carried this bloodline blessed with great powers? What influence did they have [...]

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