The New Revelation

2023-06-09T10:02:08-07:00May 28th, 2023|Catalog, Spiritualism / Channeling|

Subtitle: The Coming of a New Spiritual Paradigm Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Doyle was the author of Sherlock Holmes and a spiritualist. He predicted, with this book, a new religion influenced by the spiritualist movement which included channeling, seances, automatic writing, and other [...]


2023-06-24T20:20:41-07:00May 28th, 2023|Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf, Psychic / Paranormal|

Author: P. D. Ouspensky The author combines advanced science and math with Eastern mysticism, symbols, art and Western spiritual traditions to create one of the most unique and revealing books ever written. He points the reader toward higher dimensional realities – the fourth dimension and [...]


2023-06-21T16:50:29-07:00May 28th, 2023|Catalog, Psychic / Paranormal|

Author: A. E. Powell According to esoteric teachings we have an energy body of lighter material that is connected to our physical bodies. Those who can see it call it the aura and can sometimes tell the state of a person’s health by the [...]

Secrets Revealed

2023-06-22T15:44:12-07:00May 28th, 2023|Catalog, Psychic / Paranormal|

Subtitle: Clairvoyance, Magic and the Reality of Spirits Author: C. W. Leadbeater Introduction: Paul Tice This book is composed of a rare collection of lectures never before published in a volume by itself. Leadbeater was an extremely prolific and respected writer on psychic development [...]

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