Frank Townshend


2023-06-21T21:40:19-07:00June 7th, 2023|Catalog, Quotes / Verse / Poetry|

Author: Frank Townshend Out of thousands of spiritual books, this one is different. It is written in the style of poetic verse, but reads more like a story--but not any story. The author takes the reader through a tour of heaven, a lucid, step-by-step [...]


2023-06-21T20:41:18-07:00May 27th, 2023|Catalog, Philosophy, Quotes / Verse / Poetry|

Author: Frank Townshend Intro: Paul Tice This book is a celebration of the earth and the beauty of life. Much like his other book, Heaven, it is written in poetic verse but reads more like a story. It shares powerful insights and lessons which [...]

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