June 2023

Gerald Massey’s Lectures

2023-06-22T07:47:51-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf, Religious Controversy|

Author: Gerald Massey Gerald Massey was a brilliant mythologist, Egyptologist, and researcher into the origins of Christianity. Most of the lectures found here cover these subjects, making this book a perfect overview of Massey's ideas. He often reveals ancient hidden truths that bring a sudden [...]

The Social Record of Christianity

2023-06-21T21:00:28-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Joseph McCabe Introduction: Paul Tice Includes The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Shows how Christianity has controlled the functions of society for centuries. Western civilization has been dependent upon the Christian religion for its ethical and moral teachings and, ultimately, its [...]

The Origins of the New Testament

2023-06-21T15:36:45-07:00June 4th, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Alfred Loisy Sometime around 180 AD, a biblical canon became necessary for the survival of the Church. Serious Gnostic threats already had gospels of their own, including Marcion, Valentinus, and Basilides. Alfred Loisy shows how the Canon was put together and how it [...]


2023-06-21T22:44:21-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author:  Alfred Loisy This book is arguably the most thorough and masterful book on the formation of Christianity ever written. It presents historical facts without many of the standard, Christian preconceived notions or beliefs attached. The author, Alfred Loisy, was a Roman Catholic priest [...]


2023-06-24T21:29:27-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Subtitle: A Critical Study of the Christos - Messiah Tradition Author: Alvin Boyd Kuhn Reveals that much of Christianity did not originate in the Middle East. Shows how, where and why many Egyptian spiritual teachings were adopted into Christian form and accepted as “history.” [...]

A Short History of the Bible

2023-06-21T22:38:55-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Bronson C. Keeler Reveals that the books composing the Bible were originally not considered inspired at all, and that this idea came later. It shows who first endorsed them in this way and why it was done. Keeler admits to having no religious [...]

The Jefferson Bible

2023-06-24T21:28:33-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Thomas Jefferson Jefferson completed this book around 1820, at age 77. His aim was to reveal the most genuine teachings from the New Testament. He was trying to find the very essence of the Christian faith and to share it in its clearest form. [...]


2023-06-24T21:27:43-07:00June 3rd, 2023|Catalog, Religious Controversy|

Author: Robert Ingersoll Every culture has its gods. According to Ingersoll, we have failed to develop properly in moral and spiritual ways because the gods of man were made by man. They originally appeared within our flawed minds, and there- fore resemble their flawed creators. [...]

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