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Some Mistakes Moses

Author: Robert Ingersoll

Ingersoll was widely known as the greatest orator of his time and could soundly thrash any challenger in a debate – especially on religion.

Many religious beliefs have no logic in them and Ingersoll was a master at exposing the outright cruelty, stupidity and foolishness that religions force us to embrace. Covers the Old Testament, worshiped by Jews and Christians alike, which supports things like slavery, warfare, polygamy and the idea that women should be treated as property. For example he asks: If you find slavery upheld in a book said to have been written by God, what would you expect to find in a book inspired by the devil?

Also, why should God tell me how to raise my children when he chose to drown all of his in the flood? Presents two men being interviewed at the gates of heaven – an honest, loving family man and a despicable thieving businessman. Guess who gets into heaven based on their beliefs and who ends up in hell.

ISBN 9781585090600 • 280 pages • Price: $22.95

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