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The Astral Plane

Author: C. W. Leadbeater

One of the best known mystics of the 20th Century reveals secrets of the higher worlds and what can be found there. Covers the scenery of the astral plane, its inhabitants, and phenomena. This book is not about the beliefs of the Theosophical Society, of which he was a member. It sticks primarily to the astral plane and related subjects following and Introduction and Preface written by two Theosophists that briefly promote the organization. Describes the degrees of materiality, characteristics of astral vision, and the types of people and entities that can inhabit these upper worlds. This includes living people, those who have died, and non-human entities.

The section on phenomena covers churchyard ghosts, family ghosts, second-sight, astral forces, materialization, spirit photographs, levitation, spirit lights, and explains why darkness is required at a seance. Contains a large amount of surprising information, highly recommended for those seeking what lies beyond the physical.

ISBN 9781585093144 • 208 pages • Price: $16.95