Gnosis / Hermeticism

Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.

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Simon Magus: His Philosophy and Teachings ( Hardcover )

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Simon Magus

Author: G.R.S. Mead

Simon Magus was originally a Christian and disciple of John the Baptist, but broke off and formed the first Christian heresy, called Simonianism.

After learning magical medicine in Alexandria he was considered to have many magical skills. To this day, a skilled magician is called a “magus.” He also studied Greek philosophers, especially Heraclitus, and was the first Christian to attempt to bridge Greek philosophy and Christianity. If a bridge ever occurred, Church leaders feared they would weaken over time and not survive.

According to Mead, this was Simon’s great heresy – not his magic. This book shows Magus to have been a brilliant man who was breaking new ground, philosophically and spiritually.

ISBN 9781585095841 • 108 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $27.95

Pistis Sophia ( Hardcover )

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Pistis Sophia

Author: G.R.S. Mead

The Gnostics consisted of a number of early Christian mystical sects. Their teachers were persecuted and documents destroyed because the Church desired a uniform set of beliefs to operate under. Only now have we begun to better appreciate them. Pistis Sophia was the most important Gnostic document until the discovery of The Nag Hammadi Library. This work remains an important milestone in Gnostic research. It is the story of how we, as spiritual beings, have fallen into the world of physical creation. The soul is asleep here, bogged down in physical surroundings, unaware of its true nature. The purpose of this gospel is to awaken us, and aid in the process of spiritual freedom. Hard & soft cover versions.

ISBN 9781585092673 • 388 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • hardback • Price: $55.00

THE KYBALION ( Hardcover )

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The Kybalion

Subtitle: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

Author: The Three Initiates

Based on the Ancient Hermetic Philosophy of Hermes Trismegistus. It was claimed that the basic Hermetic doctrines were passed from teacher to student for  many centuries and were known as The Kybalion. This important book has had a profound effect on many people – something that few books can claim. Those who live by its principles will enjoy a lifetime of spiritual growth and strength. This book was a trusted source for many important Hermetic writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. Its principles can be applied to any religious, spiritual or magical tradition.

ISBN 9781585095858 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 224 pages • Price: $34.95


Categories: Catalog, Gnosis / Hermeticism, Hardcover Editions|Tags: |

Gospel of Gnostics

Author: Duncan Greenlees

Recommended by top scholars in the field of Gnostic studies for many years, but has been virtually impossible to find until now. One of the best books on the subject, essential for any serious researcher. Takes the reader through every facet of the Gnostic experience including sections on The Soul is Sent Forth, Glory of the Indwelling Light, The Way to the Higher Mysteries, The Final Secret of the Self, and The Soul Travels Home. Based on rare, surviving works of ancient Gnostic teachers like Pistis Sophia and the two Books of Ieu.

Other sources include the Agnew Codex, Bruce Codex, Akhmim Codex, Jung Codex, Cairo Codex, the Gnostic Acts (of Peter, Andrew, John, Thomas and Philip), the Chaldean Oracles, and various Gnostic hymns, prayers, Gospels and papyri. A virtual gold mine of Gnostic material, some translated and presented here for the first time.

ISBN 9781585095018 • 412 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $55.00 •

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The Gnosis ( Hardcover )

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The Gnosis

Subtitle: Or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures

Author: William Kingsland

Goes back to the foundational teachings of Christianity and demonstrates that they were actually derived from the Gnosis, or Ancient Wisdom. Gnosis is a Greek word meaning “knowledge,” or “to know.” In the early Church those who were mystics, or Gnostics, were rejected and considered heretics. This book identifies certain mystical teachings from early times as rightfully belonging in the Church. According to Kingsland, this is the real Christian message as originally understood by the Gospel writers.

ISBN 9781585095094 • 232 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $31.95

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