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Knowing when to quit

Author: Jack Barranger

Why do good people stay in bad situations? Too many of us remain in dead-end jobs and relationships too long, and for the wrong reasons. This is a serious look at “the staying syndrome,” and how to get over it. Knowing When to Quit will guide you through a systematic analysis of your job or relationship. Provides a hard look at your social environment, including the possibilities for hurting others if you quit; an examination of the (often irrational) reasons people stay in bad situations; a debunking of the myths – such as “Winners Never Quit” – which keep good people stuck in place; and a scoring system, which can make your quit/stay decision easier. If you’ve been dissatisfied with your job, or uncertain about your relationship, you’ll need this helpful guide.

ISBN 9781585091386 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 200 pages • Price: $18.95