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Freedom from Religion

Subtitle: Past Shock – Book 3

Author: Jack Barranger

Why does religion enslave people’s minds as much as jails do to their bodies? And why do the victims try so hard to enslave others? Mankind has fought more wars over religion than for any other reason. How can we break free from these negative patterns? Barranger is a trained theologian and former teacher of Critical Thinking.

He sees little difference in thought patterns found in mainstream religions and cults because we have within us a “slave chip” that needs to be deprogrammed. He brings us through the process, step by step. For example, he lists The Ten Commandments, then follows them with his own list called The Ten Realizations, which can be used as a blueprint for spiritual freedom. It is often said that the most enslaved people are not even aware that they are in prison.

With that in mind, this book will reveal the prison bars around us. The Introduction says, “Beware: Reading this book could set you free.”

ISBN 9781585091164 • 128 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $14.95