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Legends of Gods

Subtitled: The Egyptian Texts

Editing and Translation: E. A. Wallis Budge

Contains nine of the most important religious and mythological stories from ancient Egypt. Told throughout the ages, they have never been found in their exact translations together in one volume. The original Egyptian hieroglyphs appear in most cases on each facing page, making this a great tool for those wishing to understand ancient Egypt writing.

Includes The Legend of the Creation; The Legend of the Destruction of Mankind; The Legend of Ra and the Snake-Bite; The Legend of Horus of Edfu and the Winged Disc; The Legend of the Origin of Horus; A Legend of Khensu Nefer-Hetep and the Princess of Bekhten; The Legend of Khnemu and a Seven Years’ Famine; The Legend of the Death and Resurrection of Horus; The Legend of Isis and Osiris according to Classical Writers.

ISBN: 9781585093298 • 352 pages • Price: $27.95