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The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Author: Victor Marsden

Supposedly outlines a plan by elders of the Jewish Nation to rule the world – to take control over key organizations, including assets, in order to manipulate world affairs in their favor. After careful study we do not endorse this book as being valid. It is considered to be an unquestionable fraud to virtually everyone who sees the evidence, found in the Introduction.

We have no affiliations, pro or con, with this book and our only motivation is to publish the truth. Other versions exist which have caused readers to believe that the contents are true, which spread lies and hatred. We offer this book as a means for people to understand how nations and people can be duped into thinking and doing insane things and taking part in mass hysteria, which this book once caused. Our goal is that past mistakes will not be repeated.

It seems we remain the only publishing company offering this title with a disclaimer, so that it may be studied and understood in an accurate context. If read as a novel, from which much of the content was pirated from, it still makes interesting reading.

ISBN 1585090158 • 312 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $24.95

Also Available in Hardcover

Please note that this book is considered a “Banned Book” and is not allowed to be sold in corporate retailers. Please call to order it directly.