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Author: Neil Freer
This book began thousands of years ago with the oldest recorded stories in the world. They speak of the gods having been here on Earth and the stories can be found in all major cultures worldwide. This includes the oldest writing on Earth, the Sumerian cuneiform texts. It is here where the original creation stories and the flood story were found, both of which appeared in the bible in shorter and less detailed versions. With mounting evidence, many have come to the conclusion that these stories, long considered myth, were in fact real events and that the “gods” themselves were here.
This book is based on this evidence and attempts to bring the truth of who we are and where we came from out into the open. After the author passed in 2016 his hard drive, containing his life’s work, became this, his last book, a crowning achievement that should be in the library of any serious researcher into the origins of mankind.
ISBN 9781585091553 • 206 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $19.95