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Author: Jason M. Breshears
Few books have the ability to change one’s life, and this book has all the earmarks of being such a treasure. We are talking about profound changes – something within these pages which strikes at the depth of one’s being and causes a powerful (and very welcome) new direction to take hold. To be clear, this book cannot promise to magically transform the reader. But as long as one approaches this work seriously and puts some effort into applying its teachings, then there is a real chance.
If you wish to transform your life into something more powerful and more meaningful than what is commonly found within this mundane, worldly, hypnotic form of consciousness that society quietly crams down our throats, then you may have found an answer, and a new path to explore. Herein lies a chance to awaken the Immortal within.
ISBN 9781585091560 • 82 pages • Price: $12.95