Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Science of Breath ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: A Complete Manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development
Author: Yogi Ramacharaka
This highly sought after book can allow a true understand of the breath. A power can be generated by the breath that is known in various cultures as prana, chi, vital force, orgone, or a host of other names. Through extended practice amazing things may be performed including self-healing, healing others, inhibiting pain, controlling blood flow to needed areas, recharging yourself, recharging others, charging water for drinking, psychic protection, projecting thoughts, transmuting energy, controlling emotions, stimulating the brain, and much more. This powerful book reveals numerous exercises that will amaze and invigorate the reader.
ISBN: 9781585095629 • 92 pages • Price: $24.95
Chinese Herbal Medicine

Author: C.P. Li, M.D
Many Chinese herbal remedies have been proven to work, but have not been adopted into Western medicine to any degree. Most of the natural medicines described in this book are from ancient sources. They were developed at a time when China prohibited foreigners and chose to remain isolated from the world. Today we are discovering how valuable many of the early Chinese medical breakthroughs are. This well researched book was written by a scientist.
ISBN 1585092193 • 132 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $13.95
Science of Breath
Subtitle: A Complete Manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development
Author: Yogi Ramacharaka
This highly sought after book can allow a true understand of the breath. A power can be generated by the breath that is known in various cultures as prana, chi, vital force, orgone, or a host of other names. Through extended practice amazing things may be performed including self-healing, healing others, inhibiting pain, controlling blood flow to needed areas, recharging yourself, recharging others, charging water for drinking, psychic protection, projecting thoughts, transmuting energy, controlling emotions, stimulating the brain, and much more. This powerful book reveals numerous exercises that will amaze and invigorate the reader.
ISBN: 9781585090617 • 92 pages • Price: $11.95
In the Name of Humanity

Author: Joseph Lewis
How and why did circumcision begin? Does every male child that comes into the world have a birth defect? What outdated beliefs have also caused women to suffer for centuries? If we were created in the image of God, as the Bible tells us, then why are we mutilating our children? These questions and more and being asked by the author, Joseph Lewis. In this book he shares extensive research showing why he believes circumcision to be cruel, brutal and unnecessary, in addition to being completely unnatural.
ISBN: 1585092290 • 160 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $14.95