Ancient Religions / Origins

Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.

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Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy

Categories: Ancient Religions / Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf|Tags: |

Stellar Theology

Author: Robert Hewitt Brown

Foreword: Jordan Maxwell

Reveals the hidden meanings behind occult signs and symbols from ancient times, found in what is termed stellar theology, and then carried over into modern religions. Few people have any knowledge of the occult or hidden connections between Judaism, Christianity and the Bible – with World Freemasonry. Brown, a Freemason, provides these important connections. Covers ancient astronomy and how it became incorporated into the various religions. Also explores the world’s early legends and symbols and how they were connected to ancient astronomical systems. These revealing facts form the basis for many of today’s religious concepts and belief systems.

ISBN 1585092037 • 268 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $21.95

Also Available in Hardcover

The Lost Language of Symbolism – Vol. Two

Categories: Ancient Religions / Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf|Tags: |

Lost Language Symb Vol2

Subtitle: An Inquiry into the Origin of Certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy-Tales, Folklore and Mythologies.

Author: Harold Bayley

Symbols tell a story but we must first know how to read them. Otherwise, you see only a picture without the message. Covers sacred and mystical symbols like the heavenly twins, the white horse, the sign of the cross, fire and fire cults, standing stones, dolmens, fruits & flowers, the tree of life, Via Dolorosa and Jesus, and ends with a conclusion that brings both volumes together. The symbols are quite simple, but the information contained herein is unsurpassed. The author was also a master in etymology and the origins of words.

ISBN 9781585093090 • 400 pages • Price: $29.95

The Lost Language of Symbolism Vol. 1

Categories: Ancient Religions / Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf|Tags: |

Lost Language Vol1

Subtitle: An Inquiry into the Origin of Certain Letters, Words, Names, FairyTales, Folklore, and Mythologies

Author: Harold Bayley

Contains knowledge of symbols and emblems from mythology, folklore, religious texts, and fairy tales from around the world. Shows how and why symbols have been used for centuries. He often cross-references stories, showing how diverse cultures from around the world had similar tales or symbols. A gold mine for any serious researcher, reveals knowledge that would otherwise have remained lost or misunderstood.

ISBN 1585090700 • 384 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $27.95

That Old-Time Religion

Categories: Ancient Religions / Origins, Catalog, Jason's Bookshelf|Tags: , , |

That Old Time Religion

Authors: Jordan Maxwell, Paul Tice and Alan Snow

Shows how many Christian beliefs could be far older than what we have suspected. Gives a complete run-down of the stellar, lunar, and solar evolution of our religious systems and contains new, exhaustive research on the gods and our beliefs. The book’s main theme centers on the work of Jordan Maxwell, widely known as one of the world’s foremost experts on mythological systems and their influence on ancient and modern religions. Includes an interview with Dr. Alan Snow, referred to by Sydney Ohmarr as the “world’s greatest authority on astrology and the Dead Sea Scrolls.” Paul Tice explains the importance of reverting to original teachings of our religious founders, including Jesus, before they had become corrupted by “organized religion.” Illustrated.

ISBN 9781585091003 • 124 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $13.95

Also Available in Hardcover

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