Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Land of Light

Subtitle: An In-Depth Interpretation of the Tarot and Other Ancient Mysteries
Author: Hilton Hotema
This book includes an in-depth interpretation of the Tarot, based on the ancient philosophy.
This ancient teaching symbolized cosmic phenomena, which was presented to the neophyte in the sacred drama of 26 initiation in the Ancient Mystery schools.
These schools were long considered to be the most important of the ancient world, until much of their teachings were destroyed by new religions of the time. Anyone interested in inaccurately interpreting the cards will find a wealth of information within these pages. Evidence presented shows that the Tarot was in possession of the men who made the Bible. They knew the original Tarot symbolism, and then destroyed the cards so completely that no trace of them was found for another one thousand years.
Evidence is presented of pagan roots found in Christianity throughout the book, which is quite surprising and worthy of investigation. In addition to covering the Tarot, the author shares ancient knowledge passed down relating to the greatest mysteries of existence, including reincarnation, resurrection, and eternal life.
ISBN 9781585094011 • Size: 8.5×11 • 182 pages • Price: $24.95

Author: Charles E. O. Carter
This has long been considered one the best books for the beginner and intermediate in Astrology, having been written by a man who taught thousands of people over many years. It was written because the author wanted to remove the complexities that often interfere with learning Astrology properly, and bring the process to the reader step-by-step. All of the basic information needed is presented in a clear and understandable way.
The reader will gain a clear understanding of the astrological signs, planets, houses, and aspects in chapter one, so that in chapter two, one can put a horoscope together. More detailed information is found in the remaining chapters so by the time one reaches the end of the book, they have all that is needed to work with Astrology in a highly proficient manner. Carter is one of the truly great teachers, and includes important information beyond the basics–but the reader is first able to build a proper foundation.
It has been said that this book is the source for much of the more modern works on Astrology, so it would make sense to use the original source, with all of the key information available in one package. As far as teachers of Astrology go, Charles Carter was considered the best of the best.
ISBN: 9781585095872 • 190 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $31.95
A Description Of The Cards Of The Tarot ( Hardcover )
Author: Aleister Crowley
A complete study of the cards of the tarot. Each is presented with a detailed description that is highly useful for those who read the cards or want to better understand the symbolism. Includes sections on the 36 decans and their relationship to the planets and days of the week, a special chart of the four characteristics of the court cards, how to determine if a card is strong or weak, and reveals a method of divination in the back that is used by Crowley’s students. A concise handbook recommended to those serious about the tarot.
ISBN 9781585095438 • 80 pages • Price: $24.95
The Kabala of Numbers Book Two
Author: Sepharial
The study of numbers can reveal some of our deepest secrets. The Kabala is an ancient Hebrew mystical tradition that is covered extremely well here in its relation to numbers, but this book also goes beyond the Kabala. Everything you would want to know about the secret science of numbers is revealed here. The more one knows about ancient mystical traditions, the more one will gain from reading this book.
Sepharial goes deep into numerology. By studying the teachings of the Egyptians, Greeks and Aryans, he has discovered the true significance and meanings of numbers. He shares his findings in this groundbreaking book. Sepharial reveals the relationship between Numerology and Astrology. He also shows how the workings of nature are dependent upon numbers in the areas of sound, color, natural cycles and planetary motions. Also covered are amazing laws like the Law of Periodicity, which governs the hidden or occult world. See also Book One. If you love numbers or unraveling hidden keys to the world, then this book is for you.
ISBN 9781585093373 • Size: 6×9 • 220 pages • Price: $17.95
The Kabala of Numbers Book One
Author: Sepharial
The ancient Hebrew mystical tradition, the Kabala, is combined with all facets of numerology in this book. By studying the teachings of the Egyptians, Greeks and Aryans, the true significance and meanings of numbers is found and shared. Reveals the relationship between Numerology and Astrology. Also shows how the workings of nature are dependent upon numbers in the areas of sound, color, natural cycles and planetary motions. Everything to know about the secret science of numbers is found in this book and in Volume Two.
ISBN 9781585093366 • Size: 6×9 • 212 pages • Price: $17.95