Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Influence Of The Zodiac Upon Human Life

Author: Eleanor Kirk
It is believed that parts of the human anatomy, along with the mind, are influenced by corresponding planets. Explains how we are affected, both mentally and physically, by the zodiac. Great for readers who want to cover the whole person, both mental and physical, in their readings, or for those who want to learn more about themselves, friends or family. Includes important work on the cusp, a 6-day period overlapping each sign, where traits from the weaker sign influence those born in the dominant sign – something many astrologers ignore.
192 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • stapled binding • (overstocked) Price: $5.95
This is a paper booklet and is only available directly through the Book Tree.
The Zodiac And The Bible

Subtitle: The End of the World
Author: Emmet Fox
What does the Bible really say about the Zodiac? How did the Zodiac and astrology influence biblical writers and why do Christians warn us to stay away from astrology today? Is there an encoded astrological message in many Biblical teachings? If so, what is it? The end of an old age and the beginning of a new one could be coming soon, according to the author.
booklet, 30 pages, Price: $6.95
This is a paper booklet and is only available directly through the Book Tree.
The Key to the Tarot

Author: L.W. de Laurence
One of the most in depth books on the Tarot available.
Any person wishing to conduct card readings will find it highly useful. The standard Rider-Waite deck is used here, but other decks will still work since it’s not essential for the images to match perfectly. Each card is pictured and includes a description of the symbolic meaning. Various layouts and ways to read the cards are provided, plus a section on additional meanings is included in the back.
ISBN 158509207X • 180 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $15.95
A Description Of The Cards Of The Tarot
Author: Aleister Crowley
A complete study of the cards of the tarot. Each is presented with a detailed description that is highly useful for those who read the cards or want to better understand the symbolism. Includes sections on the 36 decans and their relationship to the planets and days of the week, a special chart of the four characteristics of the court cards, how to determine if a card is strong or weak, and reveals a method of divination in the back that is used by Crowley’s students. A concise handbook recommended to those serious about the tarot.
ISBN 9781585093076 • 80 pages • Price: $11.95

Author: Charles E. O. Carter
This has long been considered one the best books for the beginner and intermediate in Astrology, having been written by a man who taught thousands of people over many years. It was written because the author wanted to remove the complexities that often interfere with learning Astrology properly, and bring the process to the reader step-by-step. All of the basic information needed is presented in a clear and understandable way.
The reader will gain a clear understanding of the astrological signs, planets, houses, and aspects in chapter one, so that in chapter two, one can put a horoscope together. More detailed information is found in the remaining chapters so by the time one reaches the end of the book, they have all that is needed to work with Astrology in a highly proficient manner. Carter is one of the truly great teachers, and includes important information beyond the basics–but the reader is first able to build a proper foundation.
It has been said that this book is the source for much of the more modern works on Astrology, so it would make sense to use the original source, with all of the key information available in one package. As far as teachers of Astrology go, Charles Carter was considered the best of the best.
ISBN: 9781585093830 • 190 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $16.95