Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Stolen Legacy ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: How the Wisdom of Ancient Egypt was Transformed into Greek Philosophy
Author: George James
James was a professor at a small black college in Arkansas during the 1950s when he wrote this book. He was an intellectual who studied African and European classics. He soon realized a mistake was made by Western scholars. James found that philosophy began almost entirely in ancient Egypt, not with the Greeks, and that the records of this had not only been distorted but, in many cases, deliberately falsified. He concluded there was no such thing as Greek philosophy because it was stolen from the Egyptians.
Even the famous Greek historian from the 5th century, Herodotus, admitted that the Greeks had borrowed many important ideas and concepts from the Egyptians. These ideas covered not just philosophy, but medicine, architecture, politics and more. This book, one of the first to be banned from US colleges, is meant to restore the truth about African contributions to higher thought and culture.
ISBN 9781585095865 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $32.95
The Mis-Education of the Negro
Author: Carter Woodson
Popular title clarifying the importance of black history and culture. Points out the shortcomings of a “Euro-centric” teaching structure that neglects black culture and heritage. This has resulted in mis-educated and caused many to live in complete contradiction to their own best interests. Outlines how and why the mainstream educational system destroys the personal growth of blacks and how the blame can be equally placed on black professionals – those who become successful and then enter into a corporate world that helps only themselves, without making efforts to help or correct the problem. Strongly points out the importance of black history and culture, and its absence in mainstream educational systems.
ISBN 9781585093205 • 219 pages • Price: $17.95
Stolen Legacy
Subtitle: How the Wisdom of Ancient Egypt was Transformed into Greek Philosophy
Author: George James
James was a professor at a small black college in Arkansas during the 1950s when he wrote this book. He was an intellectual who studied African and European classics. He soon realized a mistake was made by Western scholars. James found that philosophy began almost entirely in ancient Egypt, not with the Greeks, and that the records of this had not only been distorted but, in many cases, deliberately falsified. He concluded there was no such thing as Greek philosophy because it was stolen from the Egyptians.
Even the famous Greek historian from the 5th century, Herodotus, admitted that the Greeks had borrowed many important ideas and concepts from the Egyptians. These ideas covered not just philosophy, but medicine, architecture, politics and more. This book, one of the first to be banned from US colleges, is meant to restore the truth about African contributions to higher thought and culture.
ISBN 9781585093489 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $16.95

Subtitle: Unanswered Questions
Author: George Breitman
Includes The Trial, by Herman Porter.
Reprints twelve articles about the assassination of Malcolmx on February 21, 1965, and the
trial, from January 21 to March 11, 1966, of three men charged with the killing. The defendants were sentenced to life in prison. The articles were previously from
The Militant, a weekly socialist newspaper. The Porter articles reveal how he tried to have the role of the police brought out through defense attorneys, but they deliberately avoided doing so. If the New York police were involved in the assassination, these articles show that it could not have been from their own initiative, but from the direction of the government in Washington and/or the CIA.
31 pgs • booklet • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: 5.95
This is a paper booklet and is only available directly through the Book Tree.