Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations: The 100-Year Anniversary Edition

Author: Georges Polti
This is the essential reference book for storytellers of every kind. It has been chosen by serious writers and those involved in the dramatic arts for over a century because it provides a more complete under- standing of story structures and plot creation than any other book. It helps one to expand creative boundaries, remove writer’s block, and increase their power to deliver a compelling story. These 36 dramatic situations are not actually plots, but the foundational building blocks for thousands of creative plots that one can produce. It is also useful to actors and directors, providing a new perspective of the added dimensions found in a story or script. To have clearly identified 36 dramatic situations with few other alternatives was pure genius and gave this book its credibility as being, arguably, the main reference work for the entire field of storytelling.
ISBN 9781585093731 • 200 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $16.95
THIS IS A BOOK: Why Real Books Are Better

Author: Paul Tice
Made for human readers. Not designed for Androids, Psions, Symbians, Kobos, Droids, JooJoos, Nooks, Archos, Rocketfish, Mobipockets, Kindles, iPods, iPads, Eee-pads, or pee-pads (for dogs). Not made for Microsoft Readers, Alex Readers, Arghos Readers, Palm OS Readers, DNL Readers, Apabi Readers, Nexus Sevens, Librettos, Cybooks, Pocket PCs, Windows Slates or Mobile Readers, Moby Tablets, BlackPads, WindPads, or any other non-human, non-conscious, semi-intelligent device. If you are a person, this book was meant for you.
Do you love real books? So does the author. Join him on a journey that celebrates the spirit of the book – a spirit that existed before cold electronic gadgets and invisible text files came along. There’s something about a real book that an electronic device could never replace. Many reasons for our special connection to physical books can be found within the pages of this one. It explains why they will always be around and will reinforce your love for them in their original form. Also includes chapters on newspapers and public libraries. Please extend your support by purchasing this printed book and show that you care about their future.
ISBN: 9781585091393 • Size: 6×9 • 126 pages • Price: $12.95