Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Author: Jason M. Breshears
Subtitle: An In-Depth Study of the Nephilim
Second Updated & Expanded Edition
Written records of the ancient world excavated from the Near East to the western shores of ancient South America are filled with obscure references to a race of giants. Most biblical scholars are unaware of or choose to ignore the over 80 references to giants found in the books of the Old Testament. In the same way, historians have overlooked the hundreds of references to gigantic people mentioned by ancient chronographers. Despite this fact, the greatest common denominator in the pages of the world’s oldest epic texts concerns giants. Enormous humanoid skeletons have been unearthed in the past—and today, huge weapons and megalithic architecture are explained only by the presence of historic giants. This race in Genesis is called the Nephilim and this stunning research delves deeper into the mysteries of the giants than any other known work on the subject.
ISBN 9781595091584 • 218 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95
The Vision of God ( Hardcover )
Author: Nicholas of Cusa
Nicholas was a Christian mystic who lived during the 1400s. This classic of Christian mysticism has put countless believers in touch with the divine. Many Christians have a desire to experience God, in addition to just believing in Him. An excellent guidebook for those who sense something deeper to the Christian experience. The author spent much time with a group of Benedictine monks who had asked for spiritual guidance.
He responded with this book in December of 1453. A rare classic brought back into print.
ISBN 9781585095032 • 160 pages • Size: 5×8 • Price: $26.95

Note: Modern English Version
Author: Thomas a Kempis
First published in Latin in 1418, this Christian devotional book is considered to be the most widely read Christian text in the world, aside from the Bible. The translators of this version set out to create the most clear and readable version possible, which is updated into modern English. This book’s popularity is due to its personal approach toward the reader. One can focus on self-improvement through inner work, based on Christ’s teachings, via prayer and meditation. This process includes lessons that elevate one’s inner spiritual nature toward a Christ-like way of being, rather than following outward rules that more often fail.
ISBN 9781585095889 • 150 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $32.95
Demonology ( Hardcover )

Author: King James I of England
Includes News From Scotland, on the Death of a Notable Sorcerer. King James was responsible for the King James Bible, but before that came this book. He believed himself to be an instrument of God, that Satan was real and that it was his kingly job to kill “witches” (the Devil’s ministers). These beliefs had a profound effect on the translation of the King James Bible. An important historical and religious study, written by King James’ own hand and remains in old English.
ISBN 9781585095278 • 128 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $28.95

Author: St. John of the Cross
This Book Tree edition is the complete version, containing all original notes and references. It is one of the most important books on spiritual growth ever written. The author was a great mystic who experienced this “dark night” first-hand, and describes the soul’s journey one often takes on its path toward discovering God. Many who have found God through a life-changing breakthrough have experienced this dark night first, and this book shows what to expect and how to address such a major challenge.
ISBN 9781585095575 • 198 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $31.95