Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Codex Sinaiticus: The Discovery of the World’s Oldest Bible ( Hardcover )

Author: Constantine Tischendorf and Trustees British Museum
The author, Constantine Tischendorf, was one of the world’s leading biblical scholars of his time. He spent much of his life searching for ancient biblical manuscripts, with his primary goal being to provide the world with the earliest scriptures in existence. Starting in 1844 Tischedorf’s greatest discovery was made. While visiting St. Catherine’s monastery in the Sinai, he found what would later be confirmed as the oldest complete New Testament bible ever found. Most of the Old Testament was included as well.
This book is his entire first-hand account of this amazing discovery, followed by his assessment of its historical importance. It took him three trips, altogether, to convince those in the monastery to trust him and allow this bible to be shared with the world. Most of it was brought to Russia, but it was later sold to the British Museum in 1933 after they bought it from the Russian government for 100,000 British pounds. The Mount Sinai Manuscript of the Bible, also included here in this Book Tree published edition, was written shortly after the arrival of the manuscript in England. It outlines the known history of this bible and its importance to the world. Today, after years of study by scholars, this codex has revealed what the original scriptures may have looked like and what portions could have been later added.
ISBN 9781585095681 • 114 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $27.95
The Book of the Secrets of Enoch ( Hardcover )
Translated from the Slavonic by W.R. Morfill.
Edited with Introduction and Notes by R. H. Charles
For 1200 years this book was known to only a few people in Russia. When finally revealed to the world in 1892, it was thought to be a Slavonic version of The Book of Enoch, but once translated we’ve found it to be different, but equally important. A completely new and valuable pseudepigraph, recommended to those interested in apocalyptic literature and the origins of Christianity.
ISBN 9781585095056 • 148 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Prize: $26.95
The Book of Enoch (Long Version) ( Hardcover )
Author: R. H. Charles
Subtitle: Translated from the Editor’s Ethiopic Text and Edited with an Enlarged Introduction, Notes and Indexes, Together with a Reprint of the Greek Fragments
The most important book left out of the Bible. It seems to have predated much of the New Testament, having been written almost entirely in the second century. Charles said, “The influence of I Enoch on the New Testament has been greater than that of all the other apocryphal and pseudepigraphical books put together.” A direct translation from the Ethiopic language (beware of inferior versions). All the important notes are included here, along with a list of every known translation and how they contributed to our knowledge. This is by far the most thorough edition which every serious researcher and student should have. It first appeared in 1912. Five years later, in 1917, the slimmer version replaced this book, making it almost impossible to find until now.
ISBN 9781585095391 • 448 pages • Hardcover • Size: 6×9 • Price: $49.95
History of the Christian Religion to the Year Two Hundred

Author: Charles B. Waite
The Introduction states, “We believe this work to be the most complete, honest and best documented work available on this subject. We present this work hoping that the facts presented will be more highly esteemed than common dogma and tradition.” The author devoted years of intense and reliable study in the Library of Congress, with the help of insiders, to create this work. Considered one of the most important and accurate books on Christianity ever written. Covers the origin and history of Christian doctrines, lost gospels, a list of those gospels that were destroyed, and information on Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and Turtullian. Presents carefully researched facts that at times oppose traditional beliefs. Highly recommended.
ISBN 9781585093571 • 556 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $39.95
The Shroud of Christ

Author: Paul Vignon
Is the Shroud of Turin the burial cloth of Christ? Jesus is said to have been buried while wrapped in this cloth, which may account for the mysterious “burnedin” image of a man exhibiting the same wounds Christ is believed to have had as a result of his crucifixion. This was the first book showing the Shroud’s photographic break- through – it broke the story to the world. Study this amazing discovery and the original research that supports the shroud as being a genuine relic from Christ.
ISBN 1885395965 • 184 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $16.95