Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Codex Sinaiticus: The Discovery of the World’s Oldest Bible

Author: Constantine Tischendorf and Trustees British Museum
The author, Constantine Tischendorf, was one of the world’s leading biblical scholars of his time. He spent much of his life searching for ancient biblical manuscripts, with his primary goal being to provide the world with the earliest scriptures in existence. Starting in 1844 Tischedorf’s greatest discovery was made. While visiting St. Catherine’s monastery in the Sinai, he found what would later be confirmed as the oldest complete New Testament bible ever found. Most of the Old Testament was included as well.
This book is his entire first-hand account of this amazing discovery, followed by his assessment of its historical importance. It took him three trips, altogether, to convince those in the monastery to trust him and allow this bible to be shared with the world. Most of it was brought to Russia, but it was later sold to the British Museum in 1933 after they bought it from the Russian government for 100,000 British pounds. The Mount Sinai Manuscript of the Bible, also included here in this Book Tree published edition, was written shortly after the arrival of the manuscript in England. It outlines the known history of this bible and its importance to the world. Today, after years of study by scholars, this codex has revealed what the original scriptures may have looked like and what portions could have been later added.
ISBN 9781585093670 • 114 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95
History of the Waldenses

Author: Paul Tice
The Waldenses created one of the greatest spiritual movements the world has ever known, yet few people have heard of them. In spite of terrible persecution, their heritage is still alive and well today. They were devout Christians who tried to follow the original teachings of Jesus to the best of their abilities. The Church opposed them, blocking their efforts to translate the Bible out of Latin so that common people could read it. This rare book tells of their struggle to survive against a much larger and more powerful foe. It is told from the Waldenses’ point of view, destroying the belief that all we knew of them had come from their enemies.
ISBN 1585090999 • 180 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $15.95

Author: St. John of the Cross
This Book Tree edition is the complete version, containing all original notes and references. It is one of the most important books on spiritual growth ever written. The author was a great mystic who experienced this “dark night” first-hand, and describes the soul’s journey one often takes on its path toward discovering God. Many who have found God through a life-changing breakthrough have experienced this dark night first, and this book shows what to expect and how to address such a major challenge.
ISBN 9781585093625 • 198 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $15.95
Hus the Heretic

Author: Poggius the Papist and Paul Tice
John Hus was one of the greatest religious and spiritual pioneers to ever grace this earth, and experts agree that the Reformation would have never been possible without him paving the way. He paid for his beliefs, however, by being burned at the stake in 1415 at age 42. This book is composed of three sections meant to provide the most complete picture of Hus ever assembled. The main section contains two letters from Poggius, a witness to the trial, to a friend. He worked for the Church, but became secretly allied with Hus. The section from Paul Tice covers the beliefs, motivations and friendships of Hus. Last is a six-page farewell letter written to his followers the night before his execution.
ISBN 1585092320 • 124 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
Author: Nicolas Notovitch
Throughout ancient texts there is no record of Jesus or his whereabouts between the ages of twelve up to thirty, being known as the lost years of Jesus.
This book claims to reveal those lost years. The author, a Russian journalist and war correspondent, claimed to have found these important manuscripts during his travels through Kashmir and Ladakh in 1894, in a monastery in Tibet. He has reproduced them here, in this book.
ISBN 9781585093588 • 112 pages • 6×9 • $12.95