Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Vision of God
Author: Nicholas of Cusa
Nicholas was a Christian mystic who lived during the 1400s. This classic of Christian mysticism has put countless believers in touch with the divine. Many Christians have a desire to experience God, in addition to just believing in Him. An excellent guidebook for those who sense something deeper to the Christian experience. The author spent much time with a group of Benedictine monks who had asked for spiritual guidance.
He responded with this book in December of 1453. A rare classic brought back into print.
ISBN 1585090042 • 160 pages • Size: 5×8 • Price: $13.95
The Book of the Secrets of Enoch
Translated from the Slavonic by W.R. Morfill.
Edited with Introduction and Notes by R. H. Charles
For 1200 years this book was known to only a few people in Russia. When finally revealed to the world in 1892, it was thought to be a Slavonic version of The Book of Enoch, but once translated we’ve found it to be different, but equally important. A completely new and valuable pseudepigraph, recommended to those interested in apocalyptic literature and the origins of Christianity.
ISBN 1585090204 • 148 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Prize: $13.95
The Archko Volume
Authors: Dr. McIntosh and Dr. Twyman
Contains alleged testimonies of Jesus’ contemporaries, including his enemies, concerning his arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection. Describes how Rev. William D. Mahan was able to procure translated copies from originals that were found in the Vatican Library. Provides new information on Jesus’ personal life and the impact he had on those who condemned him.
ISBN 1585090824 • 248 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $20.95
The Marriage Ring
Subtitle: Three Sermons on Marriage
Author: Dr. Martin Luther
A book for Protestants, Lutherans or the perfect wedding gift for any couple on the sacredness of marriage. These three sermons by the founder of Protestantism reflect the immense value a couple should place on this holy bonding from God, and what a marriage ring really means. Ministers may find the sermons, or portions thereof, useful. Also includes Luther’s actual wording for performing a wedding ceremony.
ISBN 158509014X • 124 pages • Size: 5×8 • Price: $12.95

Author: Levi
Offers a record of the lost eighteen years of Jesus which does not appear in the New Testament. Covers his travels and meetings with various masters and holy men in countries like India, Egypt, Assyria, Greece and Tibet. Teaches deeper truths and sometimes clarifies or reinforces known teachings in the Bible. 14 Includes chapters on mother Mary, John the Harbinger, his travels and teachings, his betrayal, trail, execution and resurrection, and a chapter on the materialization of his spiritual body. Presumably retrieved from the “Akashic Records,” this popular gospel may not be historically accurate, but shares timeless spiritual truths.
ISBN 9781585092796 • 264 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $19.95