Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Author: Jason M. Breshears
Few books have the ability to change one’s life, and this book has all the earmarks of being such a treasure. We are talking about profound changes – something within these pages which strikes at the depth of one’s being and causes a powerful (and very welcome) new direction to take hold. To be clear, this book cannot promise to magically transform the reader. But as long as one approaches this work seriously and puts some effort into applying its teachings, then there is a real chance.
If you wish to transform your life into something more powerful and more meaningful than what is commonly found within this mundane, worldly, hypnotic form of consciousness that society quietly crams down our throats, then you may have found an answer, and a new path to explore. Herein lies a chance to awaken the Immortal within.
ISBN 978-1585095995 • 84 pages • Price: $24.95
Author: Dongbin Leu
Translator: Richard Wilhelm
The word “secret” appears in many book titles in an effort to create sales, but the reader often finds few secrets inside. This book is a rare exception. There is a powerful secret to be found within these pages. It claims to contain the hidden jewel that both Eastern and Western religions have been seeking for centuries. Religions have lost their focus, having turned their attention away from this mystical process and toward their dogmatic theologies.
The Golden Flower, in terms of this book, is the hidden light within the human body that is the key to spiritual enlightenment. This book reveals how the reader can tap into it using meditative and Taoist Yoga practices. This can result in higher wisdom, spiritual bliss and a complete transformation of consciousness. It includes a Commentary by the legendary psychologist C.G. Jung concerning the differences in consciousness between the East and West, as well as his closing Appendix honoring the memory and accomplishments of the original Translator of this work, Richard Wilhelm.
ISBN 9781585095476 • Size: 6×9 • 174 pages • Price: $31.95
Science of Breath ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: A Complete Manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development
Author: Yogi Ramacharaka
This highly sought after book can allow a true understand of the breath. A power can be generated by the breath that is known in various cultures as prana, chi, vital force, orgone, or a host of other names. Through extended practice amazing things may be performed including self-healing, healing others, inhibiting pain, controlling blood flow to needed areas, recharging yourself, recharging others, charging water for drinking, psychic protection, projecting thoughts, transmuting energy, controlling emotions, stimulating the brain, and much more. This powerful book reveals numerous exercises that will amaze and invigorate the reader.
ISBN: 9781585095629 • 92 pages • Price: $24.95

Author: Hilton Hotema
It is believed that there is a much higher spiritual intelligence that can be accessed by mankind through the trillions of cells in the body. A few people have successfully done this. As a result, they have gained access to miraculous and unused powers that mankind once had, but have lost. According to the author, this Cosmic Intelligence is limited in man due to his diminished capacity to receive and express it. This book lays out a complete program on how to regenerate the cells and gain access to this higher consciousness. This book functions as an instruction manual relating to alternative health practices, with the benefit of longer life and a higher awareness as a result. The author, Hilton Hotema, was a legendary spiritual teacher who wrote many thought-provoking books.
ISBN 9781585095834 • 280 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $38.95
Magic and Mystery in Tibet ( Hardcover )
Author: Alexandra David Neel
The author spent 14 years in Tibet, one of the most beautiful and mysterious places on Earth. At the time, few westerners could penetrate into this strange and magical land. The author won the trust of Tibet’s most powerful lamas and magicians, and takes us on a personal odyssey of psychic discovery. Through the author, we are initiated into powerful meditations, breathing exercises, visions, shamanic magic, and past life recollection. There are also tulpas, or disembodied thought forms, that can be created in human form using the power of the mind – something she was able to perform. There is more to life than what is seen on the surface, and this important book is proof of that claim.
ISBN 9781585095650 • 352 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $41.95