Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Author: Rudolf Steiner
Meant for those who are serious about walking a spiritual path and exploring a deeper part of themselves. Shares information on why a higher world exists and what needs to be done to reach it. Much is covered on dreams, meditation, focusing the mind and living a true spiritual life. The exercises offer a higher spiritual awareness and increased personal power if done consistently.
ISBN: 9781585092901 • 288 pages • Price: $22.95
Science of Breath
Subtitle: A Complete Manual of the Oriental Breathing Philosophy of Physical, Mental, Psychic and Spiritual Development
Author: Yogi Ramacharaka
This highly sought after book can allow a true understand of the breath. A power can be generated by the breath that is known in various cultures as prana, chi, vital force, orgone, or a host of other names. Through extended practice amazing things may be performed including self-healing, healing others, inhibiting pain, controlling blood flow to needed areas, recharging yourself, recharging others, charging water for drinking, psychic protection, projecting thoughts, transmuting energy, controlling emotions, stimulating the brain, and much more. This powerful book reveals numerous exercises that will amaze and invigorate the reader.
ISBN: 9781585090617 • 92 pages • Price: $11.95
The Life and the Way: The Christian Yoga Metaphysics

Author: A. K. Mozumdar
A. K. Mozumdar was the founder of the Christian Yoga Society and this book outlines much of its spiritual philosophy. East and West and brought together to allow those from both spiritual backgrounds to enhance their growth and to possibly experience an all-pervading Oneness in the universe. This is an important spiritual work that is capable of transforming an individual. From reading it, one may discover a unique path to follow and achieve spiritual peace of mind.
ISBN 1585090409 • 148 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $13.95
Author: Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori presents the methods of her amazingly effective educational system. Today, thousands of her schools exist around the world, although people were slow to accept her methods during her life. Following her death, the Harvard’s Center for Cognitive Studies, among others, brought forth evidence that supported her work.
Disadvantaged young children had responded so well to her, they often ended up at levels beyond their years when their study was complete. This book describes her methods, including sections on motor education, sensory education, language and knowledge of the world, freedom, reading music, writing exercises, arithmetic and moral factors.
ISBN 1585093472 • 164 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $15.95
The Great Secret
Subtitle: Life’s Meaning as Revealed through Ancient, Hidden Traditions
Author: Maurice Maeterlinck
The essential text for those seeking the true origin of religion and the meaning of life itself.
The author explored the world’s hidden mysteries for years until stumbling upon a startling insight. This spiritual insight from long ago is revealed early in the book. He then follows it with a complete history of what arose on that foundation – how the secret was carried to other ancient cultures around the world, then up into modern times.
ISBN 1585092347 • 276 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95