Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Author: Claire Myers Owens
Reveals the best ways to find a deeper and more powerful part of oneself which has been accessed by great spiritual people – and even average people – throughout the centuries. The author wanted to understand the mechanics of reaching spiritual enlightenment, if possible, so embarked upon this search. She struggled to arrive at a scientific explanation for this advanced spiritual state through a variety of worldwide disciplines.
Her findings are of great value to those engaged on a similar quest. Highly recommended.
ISBN9781585091416 • Size: 6×9 • Price: $21.95
Author: Claire Myers Owens
Covers the author’s search for what has been called cosmic consciousness.
She explores a variety of avenues for awakening including religion, art, movement, meditation, nature and more. Abraham Maslow, the legendary psychologist said, “Exciting, fascinating, I read it in one sitting.”
In these often troubled times, this book offers a much needed confirmation of our basic, positive nature and the reach for something Higher that we all share, the quest we are all completing.
ISBN: 9781585091324 • 184 pages • Price: $17.95
Wide Awake: The Miracle of Spiritual Breakthrough
Interviews on enlightenment compiled by Quidam Green Meyers.
Well known spiritual teachers are interviewed on awakening. Reveals there is no set path for enlightenment, yet we are all capable of achieving” it. Amazing and varied answers to the same set of questions. Those interviewed include Matthew Fox, Alan Cohen, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Catherine Ingram, Lama Surya Das, Saniel Bonder, Isaac Shapiro, Arjuna Nick Ardagh, Satyam, Nadeen, Dasarath, Neelam, Akash, Wayne Liquorman, Howard Raphael Cushner, more.
ISBN 188539537X • 200 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $18.95
Freedom Dreams: An Invitation to Awakening
Author: Dasarath
Part One covers enlightenment and offers a clear understanding of how we fall asleep and wake up.
Part Two answers questions commonly asked by those on the path of awakening. Part Three describes how Dasarath’s spiritual awakening took place in the presence of his teacher, H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji). Shows how an outer teacher can be a reflection of one’s own true Self.
ISBN 1585091308 • 200 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $18.95
LESSONS FROM THE OVERSEER: A Course of Study for Mankind
Author: The Overseer
A powerful self-study course for individuals or groups. Change your life.
The spiritual growth of mankind has been sacrificed for material pur-suits, corporate greed and technological progress. World leaders, militaries and industrial giants have no time for the “nonsense” of spiritual pursuits. Enter the Overseer. He has been away, but returns because humanity must change its conduct or perish as a result of its failures.
Guidance for mankind is the purpose of this book. If you have studied A Course in Miracles or attempted any other course without experiencing strong, transformative results, then it’s time for these lessons. They are short, easy to read and powerful.
ISBN 9781585091379 • Size: 6×9 • 142 pages • Price: $17.95