Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ( Hardcover )

Author: Anonymous
This is the top secret manual said to be found by accident in 1986 by an employee of Boeing Aircraft. He bought a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a government sale and found the manual inside. The manual outlines a plan to control the masses through manipulation of industry, education and politics, and to divert the public’s attention from what is really going on. Surprisingly, it is claimed that much of what is outlined has come to pass, and makes interesting reading for those exploring the deeper levels of our social structure and how it may be controlled or influenced.
This Book Tree edition includes all of the important charts and diagrams not seen in other versions. It is an exact replica of the original, aside from some minor alterations to correct print quality. Found in this edition only is a new, four-page Introduction. It explains why we may never be certain of the true origin of this document, despite the fact that someone has stepped forward and claimed that they assembled it from multiple sources.
ISBN 9781585095827 • 66 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $26.95
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ( Hardcover )
Author: Victor Marsden
Supposedly outlines a plan by elders of the Jewish Nation to rule the world – to take control over key organizations, including assets, in order to manipulate world affairs in their favor. After careful study we do not endorse this book as being valid. It is considered to be an unquestionable fraud to virtually everyone who sees the evidence, found in the Introduction.
We have no affiliations, pro or con, with this book and our only motivation is to publish the truth. Other versions exist which have caused readers to believe that the contents are true, which spread lies and hatred. We offer this book as a means for people to understand how nations and people can be duped into thinking and doing insane things and taking part in mass hysteria, which this book once caused. Our goal is that past mistakes will not be repeated.
It seems we remain the only publishing company offering this title with a disclaimer, so that it may be studied and understood in an accurate context. If read as a novel, from which much of the content was pirated from, it still makes interesting reading.
ISBN 9781585095919 • 312 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $42.95
Please note that this book is considered a “Banned Book” and is not allowed to be sold in corporate retailers. Please call to order it directly.
Subtitle: What Are We to Do With Our Lives
Author: H. G. Wells
A guidebook on world management, which Wells believed should be orchestrated through what he called the “Open Conspiracy.” It is fully outlined here, designed to be run by separate groups working together, as opposed to being run independently. Is this required reading for the world’s most powerful people? Maybe it is. Or maybe it should be.
Wells was a visionary genius whose work should be paid attention to. Chapters include The Idea of the Open Conspiracy, We Have to Clear and Clean Up Our Minds, The Revolution in Education, Religion in the New World, What Mankind Has to Do, Modern Forces Antagonistic to the Open Conspiracy, The Resistances of the Less Industrialized Peoples to the Drive of the Open Conspiracy, The Open Conspiracy Begins as a Movement of Discussion, Development of the Activities of the Open Conspiracy, Human Life in the Coming World Community, more.
ISBN 9781585095698 • 160 pages • illustrated • Price: $29.95
Matrix of Power ( Hardcover )

Subtitle: Secrets of World Control
Author: Jordan Maxwell
Jordan Maxwell is considered to be the world’s foremost authority on ancient religions and modern conspiracies. His work on the true meaning of symbols, logos, and company insignias has also fascinated audiences around the world for years. He grew up in a family that had high-ranking insiders in international politics and religion, so had access to behind the scenes information that few people could imagine during his early years. This intrigued him, and set him off on a lifetime of investigation. This book is the result of his many years of investigation.
Who really runs the world? Who controls the money, the politics, and almost every facet of life without you knowing a thing about it? Is such a thing possible? Explore this fascinating subject with a man who has devoted a lifetime of study to uncovering our “hidden masters.” He has made countless radio and TV appearances including three CBS television specials, and has numerous videos of his work available.
ISBN: 9781585095162 • 104 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $27.95
The Empire of “The City” ( Hardback )

Subtitled: The Secret History of British Financial Power
Author: Matthew Arnold
The author presents a behind the scenes look at the secretive international policies of the British government and how their successes allowed them to rise to the top of a vast secret order of World Finance. According to the author, he has pieced enough information together, presented in this book, which clearly shows that a colossal financial and political organization is run from a area of London called “The City”. Due to its power, The City is claimed to operate as a super-government of the world, and plays some kind of role or has influence in virtually every major world event.
ISBN 9781585095377 • 112 pages • Price: $28.95