Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Buddhist Suttas

Subtitle: Major Scriptural Writings from Early Buddhism
Author: T.W. Rhys Davids
Edited: Max Muller
These seven scriptural writings are considered to be the most important and oldest of the Buddhist religion. Originally written in the Pali language, they date to the fourth and third centuries BC. This early date is what makes them so important – they form the very core of Buddhist teachings, sought after and studied by monks and scholars for centuries. There could never be a complete understanding of the true meaning of Buddhism without them (previously published elsewhere at $250, here is the first affordable version).
ISBN 1585090794 • 376 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $27.95
The Life of Buddha

Subtitle: Originally Written in the First Century, A.D.
Author: Asvaghosha
This may be the oldest known story of the complete life of Buddha, having been written in the first century AD. The author was an educated ecclesiastic Buddhist who traveled throughout India collecting stories and traditions relating to the Buddha’s life. He was a famous preacher and musician who then wove them into a Sanskrit poem which he performed musically during his travels. It holds many facts that other stories of the Buddha don’t have, which makes this work so important. The entire epic is preserved in this rare book, long out of print, which may have otherwise been lost to the western world if not reprinted.
ISBN 1585092339 • 172 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $15.95
The Bhagavad Gita

Translated by Sir Edwin Arnold.
One of the most well-known and important holy books of the world. In all of Indian literature none is more quoted than this work, which is considered to be the main religious text of Hinduism. The wisdom it conveys provides guidelines for daily living that have been followed for centuries, including India’s greatest spiritual leader, Mahatmas Gandhi. Of this book he said, “I have read almost all the English translations of it, and I regard Sir Edwin Arnold’s as the best.” ISBN 158509224X • 124 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
Zen and the Lady
Author: Claire Myers Owens
This is the personal story of a woman’s journey into Zen, beginning in her 70th year and continuing into her eighties. When first published in 1979 it was praised by the most respected spiritual researchers and psychologists of the time including Kenneth Ring, Jean Houston, Ken Wilbur, Charles Tart, Jack Kornfield and Willis Harmon. In this book Claire brings the reader with her on the path to enlightenment and shares in her spiritual development. This book is already considered a classic of Western mystical literature.
Perfect for those seeking the same type of growth no matter what their background might be. Highly recommended
ISBN 1585091294 • 192 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95