Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Jumping Frog: And 18 Other Stories
Author: Mark Twain
This collection was out of print for many years, found and reprinted by The Book Tree. The Jumping Frog launched Twain’s career. He heard the story in an old saloon in the Angel’s Camp mining town of California, told by a bald-headed local who relayed it in a deadpan tone, with no hint of excitement or humor. Twain sent it to a friend in New York and it was published in the prestigious Saturday Press, then reprinted by newspapers in Europe and America. Contains 18 other stories with some of them not found easily – or at all – in any other collections.
ISBN 1585092002 • 128 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
Tarzan of the Apes

Author: Edgar Rice Burroughs
The legendary Tarzan was res- cued and raised by the great apes of Africa. The first Tarzan book by Burroughs, it describes how he grew and learned in the jungle, brought up by his fierce and protective foster mother, Kala. He learned so well that he grew to become the leader of his tribe of apes, only to be discovered by the outside world and his biggest adversary of all – man.
ISBN 1585092509 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95
Author: H.G. Wells
This chilling, futuristic novel, published in 1914, was prophetic on a major scale. Wells predicts nuclear warfare years before research began and describes the chain reactions involved and the resulting radiation. He describes a weapon of enormous power, used from the air that would wipe out everything for miles, and actually used the term “atomic bombs.” This may have been part of the inspiration for atomic weapons. Other ideas are presented that would come to pass. Some may still be coming, including a one-world government he called The World Republic, which will attempt to end all wars.
ISBN 9781585092918 • 152 pages • Price: $13.95