Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Gnosis ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: Or Ancient Wisdom in the Christian Scriptures
Author: William Kingsland
Goes back to the foundational teachings of Christianity and demonstrates that they were actually derived from the Gnosis, or Ancient Wisdom. Gnosis is a Greek word meaning “knowledge,” or “to know.” In the early Church those who were mystics, or Gnostics, were rejected and considered heretics. This book identifies certain mystical teachings from early times as rightfully belonging in the Church. According to Kingsland, this is the real Christian message as originally understood by the Gospel writers.
ISBN 9781585095094 • 232 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $31.95
Author: Duncan Greenlees
For centuries Manicheism was a powerful and far-reaching religion, rivaled only by Christianity, but today it has been almost entirely removed from the memory of humankind. This book contributes a wealth of new information that would otherwise be lost to history.
The author has assembled every known fragment of the Manichean faith that could be found in order to accurately portray its doctrines and teachings. The information is presented without bias to document this movement and its history accurately. From an historical point of view it shows what Christianity was truly up against and why Manicheism remained so popular for so long. It lasted for over one thousand years in various forms.
Most books by Mani have been lost or destroyed while his followers were killed and persecuted for centuries. What has been recovered has been painstakingly pieced together in this important work for the benefit of scholars and those interested in alternative spiritual paths.
ISBN 9781585095025 • 580 pages • hardcover • Price: $59.95
Author: H. J. Warner
Also known as Cathars, the Albigensians were mostly from Southern France. The Roman Church launched a twenty-year crusade against them from 1209 to 1229, making this the only one ever launched against fellow Christians. This book explains why their beliefs upset the Roman Church, and covers many of the leaders involved. This highly spiritual movement attracted those who were upset with the corruption and control coming from the Church at the time. The Church reacted with severe brutality in order to stop this competing spiritual expression that was spreading so rapidly. Focuses on the clash of beliefs and political maneuvering more than the physical battles and warfare, to provide a clear understanding of the Cathar belief system.
ISBN 9781585092932 • 96 pages • Price: $12.95
Subtitle: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
Author: The Three Initiates
Based on the Ancient Hermetic Philosophy of Hermes Trismegistus. It was claimed that the basic Hermetic doctrines were passed from teacher to student for many centuries and were known as The Kybalion. This important book has had a profound effect on many people – something that few books can claim. Those who live by its principles will enjoy a lifetime of spiritual growth and strength. This book was a trusted source for many important Hermetic writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. Its principles can be applied to any religious, spiritual or magical tradition.
ISBN 1585092436 • Size: 5.5×8.5 • 224 pages • Price: $17.95

Author: Rabindranath Tagore
The title leads one to believe that this may be just another boring book about our religions–but the author presents us with an entirely new religion that will make more sense to many readers than any of the religions that we have today. Tagore was a man of great wisdom who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 and was one of India’s greatest poets. His personal mystical experiences, rather than any philosophical reasoning, led him to the Religion of Man, as he terms it. The God of this religion is an Eternal Spirit of unity that can be found within the heart of every person rather than in the sky. Each person is on a path to discover our unity with one another so that we may one day be released from the idea of division and separateness, which results in war and hatred. Ultimate truth can be realized by anyone who learns how to listen and tap into an inner source of divine wisdom. This power of realization can be enhanced through involvement with symbols, ceremonies, art, nature, literature, myths and legends. There is only one commandment in this religion, which is to spread this Divine Truth to others through words and deeds. This book has the power to open one’s mind into a new and different level of meaningful consciousness, having been written by a gifted mystic who knew how to communicate on this level to others.
ISBN 9781585093922 • 240 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $18.95