Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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CHRISTOS: The Religion of the Future
Author: William Kingsland
According to the author, our evolution has three stages: the physical, the mental, and then the spiritual. Most are still in the mental stage and our religions are a reflection of this. As we become more spiritually aware, our religions will have to change. Concerning Christianity. Kingsland said, “There are two courses open to it: either to strip itself of its pagan accretions and get back to the simple religion of Jesus, or to recognize the allegorical nature of its present literalized Scriptures, and to understand and teach the real and original Gnosis from which these sprang: the real inner spiritual meaning as known to the Initiates who formulated them.”
ISBN 9781585093250 • 136 pages • Price: $14.95
The Divine Pymander
Full Title: The DivinePymander: And Other Writings of Hermes Trismegistus
Author: John D. Chambers
Within these pages lies a gold mine of wisdom. The author, Hermes Trismegistus, may not have been a single person, but the information is illuminating and relevant. These teachings have been often referred to by the greatest Greek philosophers and the Church Fathers of Christianity. Tertullian and Justin Martyr once stated that if anyone wanted to learn about God, they should listen to Hermes. He and/or the writers of this work likely lived in Alexandria, and were influenced by early Christian and Gnostic ideas.
ISBN 1585090468 • 196 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $16.95

Author: Duncan Greenlees
Translated from the Greek and Latin Hermetica. Hermes was the god of wisdom in ancient Greece, Egypt and elsewhere. The Hermetic books, although written anonymously, were said to be inspired by this god of wisdom. The teachings were a major source of knowledge in the ancient world. In this book, Greenlees has collected together the most important Hermetic texts in one volume. He explains what the teachings really mean, and also uses columns to compare Hermetic verses with those from the Gospels of Jesus, Islam, China, Zarathustra and the Mystic Christ.
ISBN 9781585090068 • 328 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $26.95
Author: Duncan Greenlees
Recommended by top scholars in the field of Gnostic studies for many years, but has been virtually impossible to find until now. One of the best books on the subject, essential for any serious researcher. Takes the reader through every facet of the Gnostic experience including sections on The Soul is Sent Forth, Glory of the Indwelling Light, The Way to the Higher Mysteries, The Final Secret of the Self, and The Soul Travels Home. Based on rare, surviving works of ancient Gnostic teachers like Pistis Sophia and the two Books of Ieu.
Other sources include the Agnew Codex, Bruce Codex, Akhmim Codex, Jung Codex, Cairo Codex, the Gnostic Acts (of Peter, Andrew, John, Thomas and Philip), the Chaldean Oracles, and various Gnostic hymns, prayers, Gospels and papyri. A virtual gold mine of Gnostic material, some translated and presented here for the first time.
ISBN 9781585090075 • 412 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $29.95