Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Free Enterprise Patriot

Author: John Rickey
What would happen if the same bureaucratic red tape and complexity existed in the U. S. government at the time of the Revolutionary War? This is the hilarious story of a patriotic blacksmith who, in 1776, just wants to help the cause and make cannons for the war—but encounters one frustration after another, based on today’s new rules and regulations. This satiric tale shows how the U. S. colonies would have likely never won their freedom if things were as they are today. This is one story that should be required reading for all government employees.
ISBN 9781585093946 • 86 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $9.95
The Devil’s Dictionary
Author: Ambrose Bierce
Not an evil book, contains much humor and a cynical view of life. Bierce was a master at satirical definitions and rewarded for this book by being called The Wickedest Man in San Francisco. There’s a ring of truth to many of these outrageous passages, which makes it so fun to read. Nothing is sacred in this roller-coaster ride of outrageous barbs and cynical jabs at politics, religion, business, the arts, and literature. Contains over 1000 separate entries, listed in alphabetical order. Highly recommended for those who take life too seriously.
ISBN 1585090166 • 144 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
FOO-FOO SPEAKS!!: Authentic Channelings From the Dog Star Sirius

Full title: FOO-FOO SPEAKS!!: Authentic Channelings From the Dog Star Sirius
Well, maybe not so authentic. One of the funniest things we’ve ever seen. These “channeled” messages come from an anonymous man named Al, a West L. A. gas station attendant who never volunteered to receive such outrageous wisdom. He feels it’s a curse.
But for you, it’s a blessing of joy and hope… hope for the salvation of mankind from the savior poodle Foo-Foo. He is coming. Read and prepare for this incredible historical event.
15 pages • booklet • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $4.50
This is a paper booklet and is only available directly through the Book Tree.