Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Ancient Symbol Worship
Subtitle: The Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity
Author: Hodder M. Westropp and C. Staniland Wake
Sex worship has been practiced by cultures worldwide for thou- sands of years. This book explores the origins of phallic worship, its influence on the religions of antiquity, serpent symbolism, the tree of knowledge, the “fall of man,” and sun-god worship in antiquity. Contains important knowledge that would otherwise not be known today.
ISBN 1585090484 • 120 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $12.95
Author: John W. Waterhouse
This ancient religion is receiving attention in modern times due to its claimed influence by scholars upon Christianity. This particular author, however, focuses upon its relationship with Judaism. He presents proof that Christianity received influence from Zoroastrianism that was transmitted through Judaism. The author shows how the Exilic Period, when these two faiths existed in close proximity to one another. Chapters include Zoroaster Himself, The Mission and Ministry of the Prophet, The Scriptures of Zoroastrianism, Doctrine of God, Doctrine of Man, and Developments and Contacts.
ISBN 9781585092819 • 136 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $15.95
The Doctrine of Sin in the Babylonian Religion
Author: Julian Morgenstern
Most believe that sin first arose with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This means it is not of Christian origin. Christianity was not around for another two thousand years or more to include it in its belief structure. The first page of this book clarifies that sin, in its original form, was anything done to anger the gods (plural). The word for God in the Old Testament is elohim – a plural word.
This book is a vital source for early religious truths. Offers an outstanding rundown on the early gods, who they were and what they stood for. Contains surprising information on our origins, the source of evil, the gods, and mankind’s interactions with them.
ISBN 1585092045 • 168 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $15.95
Symbols, Sex and the Stars
Subtitle: An Outline of the Origins of Moon and Sun Worship, Astrology, Sex Symbolism, Mystic
Meaning of Numbers, the Cabala, and Many Popular Customs, Myths, Superstitions and Religious Beliefs
Author: Ernest Busenbark
Preface by Jordan Maxwell who says, “This is a must read for those concerned about pagan influence on the modern day Church.”
Answers questions such as:
How did the concept of good and evil develop?
What is the true origin of Easter?
Why is sex such a powerful force in religion?
What religious symbols are really sexual messages?
How are the Great Pyramid and numerology connected?
How did Astrology really start?
Is there a connection between Jesus and Astrology?
Why was prostitution once an important part of religion?
ISBN 9781585093359 • 396 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • $24.95
Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy

Author: Robert Hewitt Brown
Foreword: Jordan Maxwell
Reveals the hidden meanings behind occult signs and symbols from ancient times, found in what is termed stellar theology, and then carried over into modern religions. Few people have any knowledge of the occult or hidden connections between Judaism, Christianity and the Bible – with World Freemasonry. Brown, a Freemason, provides these important connections. Covers ancient astronomy and how it became incorporated into the various religions. Also explores the world’s early legends and symbols and how they were connected to ancient astronomical systems. These revealing facts form the basis for many of today’s religious concepts and belief systems.
ISBN 1585092037 • 268 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $21.95