Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Lost Language of Symbolism – Vol. Two
Subtitle: An Inquiry into the Origin of Certain Letters, Words, Names, Fairy-Tales, Folklore and Mythologies.
Author: Harold Bayley
Symbols tell a story but we must first know how to read them. Otherwise, you see only a picture without the message. Covers sacred and mystical symbols like the heavenly twins, the white horse, the sign of the cross, fire and fire cults, standing stones, dolmens, fruits & flowers, the tree of life, Via Dolorosa and Jesus, and ends with a conclusion that brings both volumes together. The symbols are quite simple, but the information contained herein is unsurpassed. The author was also a master in etymology and the origins of words.
ISBN 9781585093090 • 400 pages • Price: $29.95
The Lost Language of Symbolism Vol. 1
Subtitle: An Inquiry into the Origin of Certain Letters, Words, Names, FairyTales, Folklore, and Mythologies
Author: Harold Bayley
Contains knowledge of symbols and emblems from mythology, folklore, religious texts, and fairy tales from around the world. Shows how and why symbols have been used for centuries. He often cross-references stories, showing how diverse cultures from around the world had similar tales or symbols. A gold mine for any serious researcher, reveals knowledge that would otherwise have remained lost or misunderstood.
ISBN 1585090700 • 384 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $27.95
Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs
Subtitle: Popular Beliefs: A Comparative Study of Genesis I.2
Author: A. Smythe Palmer
The Bible creation stories had their origins in far older tales. These stories originate from clay tablets discovered in ancient Sumeria and Babylonia. They are the oldest preserved stories in the world, revealed in this interesting book. It seems the “Word of God” may not have come in its entirety from God, but older “gods.”
The earliest sources of our belief systems should be examined and that is the purpose of this book.
ISBN 158509000X • 124 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $12.95
The Book of Jasher
Author: Albinus Alcuin
A Suppressed Book that was Removed from the Bible, Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel, translated by Albinus Alcuin (800 AD).
Some sources claim this book was once the original start of the Bible. We do know at one time that it was once part of the Bible, being referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel. It also survived the burning of the Alexandria Library in 389 AD due to a fast acting custodian. Alcuin later did the original translation of it from Hebrew in 800 AD. It became suppressed but rediscovered briefly in 1829. Only now has it become widely known. Special note: A more common 64 page version is in circulation, but is a proven forgery.
ISBN 1585090816 • 304 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $24.95
History of the Christian Religion to the Year Two Hundred

Author: Charles B. Waite
The Introduction states, “We believe this work to be the most complete, honest and best documented work available on this subject. We present this work hoping that the facts presented will be more highly esteemed than common dogma and tradition.” The author devoted years of intense and reliable study in the Library of Congress, with the help of insiders, to create this work. Considered one of the most important and accurate books on Christianity ever written. Covers the origin and history of Christian doctrines, lost gospels, a list of those gospels that were destroyed, and information on Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and Turtullian. Presents carefully researched facts that at times oppose traditional beliefs. Highly recommended.
ISBN 9781585093571 • 556 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $39.95