Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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A Short History of the World
Author: H. G. Wells
Presents the entire history of the world in a condensed form. The great sci-fiauthor of War of the Worlds and The Invisible Man was fascinated with the real world just as much as his imaginary ones. This is a testament to his genius and immense knowledge of the key events of history. Shows how we learned and reached deeper understandings throughout our physical, intellectual, and spiritual evolution. He also stresses that we are still in our infancy and have just begun an immense and important journey.
ISBN 1585092118 • 320 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $24.95
The Problem of Lemuria
Subtitle: The Sunken Continent of the Pacific
Author: Lewis Spence
Presents evidence that an advanced civilization once existed in the area of the Pacific Ocean in ancient times but has since vanished due to cataclysmic activity. Reveals supporting evidence from geology, archaeology, mythology, biology, linguistics and word origins, and the transmission of various customs.
ISBN 1585090905 • 272 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $22.95
The Problem of Atlantis

Author: Lewis Spence
Presents evidence that an advanced civilization once existed in the area of the Atlantic Ocean in ancient times but has since vanished due to cataclysmic activity. Spence traces the clues back to where Atlantis was located, and uncovers what it was like. Details the myths and legends of the Aztecs, Brazilian Indians and North American Indians, which fully support the existence of Atlantis.
ISBN 1585090891 • 280 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $22.95
Atlantis in America
Author: Lewis Spence
Atlantis is a legendary continent said to have disappeared suddenly in the ancient past. Spence puts forth evidence that it was located in and around Central America. Covers myths from Peru, Brazil, Central America, North America, and the Atlantean story from the Greek philosopher, Plato. When myths duplicate themselves between cultures it leads one to believe in a common source. That source, according to Spence, was Atlantis.
ISBN 1885395973 • 248 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $19.95
Author: Ignatius Donnelly
Long known as the best work on Atlantis, this book advances the idea that civilization began here. The great philosopher Plato mentioned Atlantis, which is said to have sunk into the sea and disappeared. Subjects include Plato’s Atlantis, destruction of Atlantis, deluge stories throughout history, inherited civilization, old and new world interaction, Atlantis in Genesis, origin of the alphabet, the kings of Atlantis become Greek gods, the pyramid, the cross, Garden of Eden, Atlantean colonies, more. This one book has done more than any other in revealing this lost continent.
ISBN 9781585092680 • 376 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $27.95