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Subtitle: Past Shock – Book 2
Author: Jack Barranger
Was religion created in the minds of men or was it given to us by ancient gods, who demanded our worship? Who were the ancient gods and why were they here? Historical evidence shows that we worked for them and tried to appease them. Then, at some point, they left. Cultures worldwide tell their stories through myth and they are still worshiped in our religions. Their power over us was so strong that it is still with us today. We have been conditioned in a religious way and Barranger shows how this conditioning is stunting our spiritual growth. The author reveals exactly how this slave chip has programmed us, and how we might finally break free.
ISBN 9781585091133 • 152 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $15.95
Subtitle: The Origin of Religion and Its Impact on the Human Soul
Author: Jack Barranger
Alvin Toffler coined the term “future shock” – when people are overwhelmed by the future. Past Shock suggests that ancient events strongly impact humanity today. It reveals why religion was created, what organized religion won’t tell you, the reality of the “slave chip” programming that we all have, what really happened in the Garden of Eden, what the Tower of Babel was and why we were stopped from building it, how we were conditioned to remain spiritually ignorant, and more. Exposes the “pretender gods” – beings that were not divine, but had advanced scientific knowledge, including genetic engineering. Our science of today has begun to unravel their secrets. Learn how to overcome the “slave chip” conditioning and live life as a spiritually fulfilled being.
ISBN 1885395086 • 126 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $12.95
THE HIDDEN POWER: And Other Papers on Mental Science

Author: Thomas Troward
Sought by many over the years for its proven techniques. Reveals how to use the mind and the power of one’s spirit to live a fuller life and come closer to God.
Troward has created a roadmap that one can fol- low, allowing one to travel on a path toward the realization of Truth. Subjects include Completeness, The Principle of Guidance, Religious Opinions, Entering into the Spirit of It, Jachin and Boaz, What is Higher Thought, much more.
ISBN 9781585090396 • 224 pages • Price: $18.95
Author: Thomas Troward
For the advanced student of mental science there is no better book. The author was a major pioneer in the New Thought movement, often called “the Father of New Thought” in England. This philosophy, referred to as mental science by Troward, bridges the gap between the inner world of thoughts and the physical universe. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the power of the mind and New Thought ideas.
The late professor William James of Harvard said, “Far and away the ablest statement of that philosophy that I have met, beautiful in its sustained clearness of thought and style – a real classic statement.” Chapters include Spirit and Matter, The Higher Mode of Intelligence Controls the Lower, The Unity of the Spirit, Intuition, Healing, In Touch with the Sub-Conscious Mind, The Body, The Soul, The Spirit, and more. If one knows how to harness the power of the mind then much more can be accomplished that might not otherwise be possible. This book can help in that regard.
ISBN 9781585092888 • 140 pages • Price: $13.95
Author: Thomas Troward
Twelve lectures that reveal how you can use the power of the mind to effect natural laws of the universe in positive ways. There is a greater intelligence hidden behind the normal cycles of the world. Although it is a clear challenge for an individual to affect this intelligence, Troward shows how it can be done. He was a tremendous influence on some of the world’s greatest teachers on the powers of the mind, including Ernest Holmes, Joseph Murphy, Emmett Fox and Frederick Bailes.
ISBN 9781585093014 • 120 pages • Price: $12.95