Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Magic White and Black ( Hardcover )

Author: Franz Hartman
This inspiring book has been recommended to others for decades and has become a classic in the field of magic, metaphysics and spirituality. The title is misleading because there is much more covered that goes far beyond magic. Subjects include Spiritual Law in the Natural World, Consciousness, The Spiritual Body, Karma, Transformations, Meditation, Alchemy, Magicians and Mediums, Theosophy, and Divine Wisdom: the Realization of Truth.
This is the perfect book for those interested in the fundamental elements of Magic and its philosophy and purpose. Additional subjects include the philosopher¿s stone, the true cross, forbidden knowledge, Rosicrucian wisdom, states after death and the inner world.
ISBN 9781585095773 • Size: 6×9 • 300 pages • Price: $39.95
The 6th and 7th Books of Moses ( Hardcover )

Introduction: Paul Tice.
It is believed these magical books were translated from the ancient Hebrew.
The Sixth Book contains “secret seals” used in magical rituals. Each is presented with a matching conjuration – a verbal spell summoning entities or energies beyond our reality that may respond and help to achieve the goal of the summoner. The Seventh Book contains magical tables, each of which performs a certain function. Carrying one with you or to a certain area may bring wealth, love, or good luck. Also covers magic done in the Bible, and a Kabala section reveals secret wisdom, charms and remedies, and magical cures of the ancient Hebrews. If used with good intentions, this book claims to bring good fortune.
ISBN 9781585095087
Price: $29.95
Aesch-Mezareph: or Purifying Fire

Subtitle: A Chymico-Kabalistic Treatise
Author: The Kabala Denudata of Knorr von Rosenroth
Edited by W. Wynn Westcott
This rare alchemical work is an important surviving fragment from a Kabalistic manuscript published between 1677-84. It systematically reveals the entire Kabalistic scheme of alchemy, making it an essential document for those delving deeply into the subject – both in a historical and practical manner.
booklet • 60 pages • Price: $9.95
This is a paper booklet and is only available directly through the Book Tree.
The Book of Black Magic and Ceremonial Magic
Author: Arthur Edward Waite
This is an expanded, updated version of his previous work, The Book of Black Magic. Contains spells and treatises from a variety of obscure sources. A great overview of magic from one of the most important figures in Western occultism. Includes criticism of Eliphas Levi and Waite’s former associate, S. L. MacGregor Mathers.
Covers many of the original early grimoires, often quoting them, and reveals flaws in the recent translations of his time. Contains rare magical pamphlets published in France in the 19th century, which were reproductions of earlier 18thcentury works. One of the best reference works available on magic.
ISBN 9781585092666 • 6×9 • 372 pages • $27.95
The Mystery of the Long Lost 8th, 9th and 10th Books of Moses

Author: Henri Gamache
This book has three parts: The Legends of Moses the Man and Magician, which explores who he really was. Includes his magician legends found both in and outside of the Bible. Part Two is How the Sacred Writings of Moses were Lost, which reveals additional books of Moses, beyond the first five of the Bible, and what is in them. Part Three is The Book of Miscellaney, which unveils the magical applications of Moses’ additional books. Includes the 44 Secret Keys to Universal Power, various magical seals, and explains the modern influence of the Kabbalah, which is traced to a Mosaic origin. Combines hard-to-find historical info on Moses with the magical power associated with him.
ISBN 9781585093595 • 112 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95