Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Works of Aleister Crowley Vol. 1

Author: Aleister Crowley
His work from 1898-1902, mainly on religion and mythology, Reflects a time in his life when he was awakening to a new mystical and spiritual level. It can also be seen how Crowley continued to grow and mature in the two remaining volumes, as well. Crowley’s poetic style and mystical vocabulary are unique and go beyond that of everyday poets. His plays are also interesting. Crowley said that the last play, “Tanhauser: The Story of All Time,” contained the theory of special relativity, which Einstein clarified more fully three years later, in 1905. This volume contains four poems, five plays, four sections of shorter poems, an Epilogue, and an interesting Appendix on Qabalistic Dogma.
ISBN 9781585093502 • Size: 6×9 • 280 pages • Price: $22.95
Author: Aleister Crowley
Although written as a novel, Crowley admitted it was true. With his black magick and occult background the press called him “The Wickedest Man in the World.” This included drug use, and this book brings the reader into the minds of users. It explains how one can be drawn in and trapped by addictive drugs like cocaine and heroin, including why efforts to quit fail while the user’s life is ruined. Crowley explains the use of the Will, found in some of his magickal works, in attempting to combat the problem. Considered by some as his best written work, it reveals the amazing highs and the complete ruin that can follow.
ISBN 1585092452 • Size: 6×9 • 376 pages • Price: $27.95
Alchemy Rediscovered and Restored
Author: Archibald Cockren
The cryptic language and symbolism commonly found in alchemy is laid bare so we can comprehend exactly what was meant and what was happening during the pursuit of the alchemical elixir. Reveals the main alchemical law operating within the human spirit and used in the quest for immortality. Claims there is truly a Divine Plan, and by exploring alchemy, we will find ourselves on the path that will lead to it. Covers the great alchemists like St. Germain, Nicholas Flamel, Basil Valentine, and Paracelsus. Ends by reprinting two of the world’s most important Hermetic alchemical texts – The Golden Tracate of Hermes and The Book of the Revelation of Hermes.
ISBN 158509028X • 156 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $13.95
The Magus – Books One and Two
Author: Francis Barrett
The The Magus two volumes now bound together as one book.
The most sought after set of books on magic and alchemy ever published. Powerful work considered so dangerous that for many years, only rare copies could be found in certain libraries, locked away from the general public and from those who would use (or misuse) its power.
Original set was first published in 1801, the author spent many years of study before releasing them. Includes rare illustrations from original sources. Covers natural magic, amulets and charms, potions, precious stones, candles, alchemy, the philosopher’s stone, transmutation, the four elements, numbers, and the planets
ISBN 1585090336 • 420 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $34.95
The Magus – Book Two
Author: Francis Barrett
Book Two covers magnetic powers, Cabalistic magic, the names of angels and spirits, the performing of invocations, conjuring spirits, magic circles, receiving oracles in dreams, good and evil spirits, and concludes with a major biographical section on the great magicians of history.
ISBN 1585090328 • 220 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $17.95