Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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The Magus – Book One
Author: Francis Barrett
Subtitle: A Complete System of Occult Philosophy
The most sought after set of books on magic and alchemy ever published. Powerful work considered so dangerous that for many years, only rare copies could be found in certain libraries, locked away from the general public and from those who would use (or misuse) its power.
Original set was first published in 1801, the author spent many years of study before releasing them. Includes rare illustrations from original sources. Covers natural magic, amulets and charms, potions, precious stones, candles, alchemy, the philosopher’s stone, transmutation, the four elements, numbers, and the planets.
ISBN 158509031X • 200 pages • 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $16.95