Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Growing into Light ( Hardcover )

Author: Max Freedom Long
Subtitle: A Guidebook in Huna Magic
This is basically a workbook in Huna magic. It came about because those who had read the author’s previous books wanted to strengthen their skills in Huna through daily practice. This book offers powerful teachings that are reinforced with exercises and affirmations at the end of each chapter. These teachings were passed down verbally through the ages by Polynesian kahunas, or “Keepers of the Secret” and preserved by those the author had met. Anyone with an interest in Huna magic will benefit from this powerful book. It represents the next step for those who want to benefit from practical instructions, and move beyond having a general reading interest in the subject.
ISBN: 9781585095674 • 188 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $26.95
The Gospel of the Red Man ( Hardcover )
Subtitle: An Indian Bible
Author: Ernest Thompson Seton
One of the best books written on Native Americans. Reveals their spiritual beliefs and how they lived before the arrival of the white man. Seton has preserved the most important information, gathered from the best sources when it could still be accurately found.
Like other Bibles, it includes creation stories and mythology as well as the trials and tribulations of the people. Chapters include The Soul of the Red Man, The Ancient Way, The Wisdom of the Old Men covers ancient myths and teachings, and Prophets of the Red Race covers 13 prophets, including Hiawatha, Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Wabasha, Geronimo and Wovoka. The Epilogue emphasizes the failures of the white race due to money-madness, and the importance of bringing back an awareness not based on materialism.
ISBN 9781585095407 • 132 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $28.95
The Gospel of the Red Man
Subtitle: An Indian Bible
Author: Ernest Thompson Seton
One of the best books written on Native Americans. Reveals their spiritual beliefs and how they lived before the arrival of the white man. Seton has preserved the most important information, gathered from the best sources when it could still be accurately found.
Like other Bibles, it includes creation stories and mythology as well as the trials and tribulations of the people. Chapters include The Soul of the Red Man, The Ancient Way, The Wisdom of the Old Men covers ancient myths and teachings, and Prophets of the Red Race covers 13 prophets, including Hiawatha, Tecumseh, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Wabasha, Geronimo and Wovoka. The Epilogue emphasizes the failures of the white race due to money-madness, and the importance of bringing back an awareness not based on materialism.
ISBN 9781585092765 • 132 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $13.95
The Legacy of Wisdom

Subtitle: A Handbook of American Indian Heritage
Author: William Marder
This is a pocketsized reference to the great heritage and culture of American Indians. Despite decades of poor treatment, many tribes and leaders have remained strong. It is in this spirit that this book was created. It is now time to remind us all – red, white, yellow, black or brown – of the things that American Indians should be proud of.
Includes important historical events, sacred and cultural practices, quotes from respected leaders past and present, and a detailed time-line involving modern activists. Issues that continue to threaten American Indian culture are addressed, along with potential answers. Includes sections on books and films that have been favorable to American Indians, an excellent photo section, and a list of American Indian rights organizations. Highly recommended.
ISBN 9781585091508 • 144 pages • Size: 5×7 • Price: $14.95
Indians in the Americas
Author: William Marder
Many books over the years have promised to tell the true story of the Native American Indians. Many, however, have been filled with misinformation or derogatory views. Finally here is a book that the Native American can believe in. This well researched book tells the true story of Native American accomplishments, challenges and struggles and is a gold mine for the serious researcher. It includes extensive notes to the text and over 500 photographs and illustrations — many that have never before been published. The author, after 20 years of research, has attempted to provide the world with the most truthful and accurate portrayal of the Native American Indians. Every serious researcher and Native American family should have this ground-breaking book.
ISBN 1585091049 • 248 pages • Size: 8.5×11 • Price: $24.95