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Author: Jason M. Breshears
Few books have the ability to change one’s life, and this book has all the earmarks of being such a treasure. We are talking about profound changes – something within these pages which strikes at the depth of one’s being and causes a powerful (and very welcome) new direction to take hold. To be clear, this book cannot promise to magically transform the reader. But as long as one approaches this work seriously and puts some effort into applying its teachings, then there is a real chance.
If you wish to transform your life into something more powerful and more meaningful than what is commonly found within this mundane, worldly, hypnotic form of consciousness that society quietly crams down our throats, then you may have found an answer, and a new path to explore. Herein lies a chance to awaken the Immortal within.
ISBN 978-1585095995 • 84 pages • Price: $24.95

Subtitle: Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines
Author: Nyanatiloka
This highly important book translates and clearly explains foundational Pali terms that are vital to a complete understanding of Buddhist philosophy and religion. It is an accurate, detailed, and authentic Buddhist dictionary of doctrinal terms from the Pali Canon and its Commentaries. It is of value for understanding the early Buddhist tradition and the Theravada tradition which grew out of it, but does not cover the later Buddhist traditions. The author, Nyanatiloka, was a German monk who compiled the book while interned in India by the British during World War II. Since then, it has been enlarged and revised—this being the third revised and enlarged edition.
The main entries are listed under the Pali terms, and the English expressions commonly used are explained and included. Original Pali words are often used in Buddhist texts and remain untranslated, since writers often did not know their accurate meanings. Therefore, this book is widely known as an essential work for all serious students of Buddhism.
ISBN 9781585094523 232 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $18.95

Author: M. K. Jessup
The original version of The Case for the UFO was first published in 1955. It is widely considered to be an excellent overview of UFO encounters and unexplained phenomena occurring throughout human history. This version, known as The Varo Edition, appeared later that year when one copy, containing additional material not penned by the author, was anonymously sent to Admiral N. Furth, Chief of the Office of Naval Research. The notes and additional material reflected so much inside knowledge on the subject, that various military people took a special interest in the book.
They had it privately published in very limited form, meant only for those with special access. It seems that three unknown individuals made color-coded notations that are preserved in this edition, now made available to the general public. Now available, this legendary book has been one of the most rare and sought after manuscripts to be found within the UFO field.
ISBN 9781585094387 • 168 pages • Size: 8.5×11 • Price: $29.95

Subtitle: Easy Lessons with Matching English Text
Author: E. A. Wallis Budge
The most fascinating language of the ancient world is that of the Egyptian hieroglyphics, as seen on countless tombs and temples that remain to this day in Egypt. What do they say? The only way to learn what these symbols mean is to study the ancient texts. Many of them are reproduced here with matching English translations. This rare text was previously published under the misleading title of Egyptian Language, and is now back in print. It is the standard introduction to Egyptian hieroglyphics, 10 written by one of the greatest Egyptologists of his time, E. A. Wallis Budge.
Budge was once Keeper of the Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum. As a result, he goes beyond translation lessons by revealing a fascinating history of hieroglyphic writing, including how the code to its understanding was cracked, and the overall evolution of the language. The main portion of the book, however, contains lists of hundreds of characters that have their phonetic meanings defined, often within important historical texts.
Includes chapters on grammatical usage in all areas, including verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and pronouns. This is the perfect book for anyone wishing to gain a true understanding of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
ISBN 9781585094585 • 256 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $19.95

Subtitle: Nephilim Histories, the Antediluvian World, Anunnaki Chronology and the Coming Cataclysm
Author: Jason M. Breshears
There are stories of the gods who in ancient times descended to Earth and brought knowledge and civiliza- tion to mankind. The oldest stories were from ancient Sumer and these gods were called the Anunnaki or Nephilim, also known as the Fallen Ones. They were considered fallen after co-mingling with the daughters of men, so their realm became the Earth rather than the “heaven” from which they came. Their offspring were said to be giants and these myths and legends are found throughout the world. The author spent years of study to reveal an accurate, chronological history of these ancient beings, unveiling in this book a calendar of events more accurate than anything previously known.
This book takes vast research on worldwide myths, earth changes documented from cultures worldwide, and the author’s immense work on planetary cycles to predict the return of these fallen ones, their planet, and the chaos and catastrophe that always came with them.
ISBN 9781585091577 • 180 pages • Size: 8 1/2 x 11 • Price: $26.95