
Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.

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The Paganism in Our Christianity

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The Paganism in Our Christianity

Author: Arthur Weigall

It took three centuries after the death of Jesus for Christianity to become an organized religion, at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. During this formative time it was difficult for Christianity to compete and survive with the many forms of paganism. In order to succeed and draw new converts into the fold, a number of pagan beliefs and ideas were incorporated into the Christian faith.

Today we do not recognize these pagan features, but the author asserts that they are there and points them out in this well researched book. He reveals how this paganism was brought in. Many long standing pagan festivals were incorporated and given significance – for example, Christianity had abolished the Hebrew Sabbath of Saturday so made Sunday their day of worship, partly because it was the day of the resurrection, but largely because it was the weekly festival of the sun for its main competing rival, Mithraism. Also, December 25th was the birthday of the sun-god, Mithra, so this date was brought in and called “Christmas,” with full knowledge that Jesus was not born on this day. These are facts.

Many more are covered such as the influence of pagan gods, the trinity, miraculous occurrences, the composition of the New Testament, the resurrection, the doctrine of atonement, and much more. The author believes Christianity should be what its name infers – based on the teachings of Christ, and not derived from other sources. This book should be read by every interested Christian or student of the history of religions.

ISBN 9781585093281 • 282 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95

Also Available in Hardcover

History of the Cross

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History of the Cross

Subtitle: The Pagan Origin and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image

Author: Henry Dana Ward
Foreward: Paul Tice

Ward wrote many positive Christian books, but one thing bothered him after years of research.

He found that the traditional beliefs surrounding the cross and its worship were wrong. According to Ward, this was a pagan symbol that should never have been adopted. Idols were not to be worshiped by early Christians, and the cross was no exception. According to Ward, revering the cross is based on lies, deception, and ignorance. He shows how the lies began, who spread them, and how and why they did it.

ISBN 1585090565 • 104 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • $11.95

Pocket Theology

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Pocket Theology

Author: Voltaire

A collection of quotes, aphorisms and definitions arranged alphabetically. It serves as a pocket dictionary of theology like none other found today.

Virtually every- thing he wrote during his life on religion was immediately banned, so this collection of “highlights” will allow the reader to understand why his views met with such hostility. No person or religion is perfect and Voltaire was able to use his sharp wit and sarcasm to point out these imperfections. Instead of making us angry at religious authority, he gives us the ability to laugh at their follies or ignorance. Some sections may still create a bit of anger, however.

Otherwise, how could it be Voltaire?

ISBN 9781585093601 • 134 pages • Size: 5×8 • Price: $11.95

Popery: Foe of the Church and the Republic

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Author: Joseph F. Van Dyke

We never hear the word “popery” today, but it seems to be used in the same fashion as “thievery” or “thuggery.” There have been many schemes and deceptions by the popes, with an endless supply of hypocrisy, lies, and double-dealing dirt that’s been exposed for your enjoyment in this book. It was not until the late 6th Century before the supremacy of the pope was accepted – and once popery began, Christianity was never the same again. Provides surprising information from an alternative point of view on how the Vatican came to be what it is today.

ISBN 1585090581 • 336 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $25.95

The Bible’s Most Embarrassing Moments

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The Bible's Most Embarrassing Moments

Subtitle: Contains Portions of the Old and New Testaments

Author: Paul Tice.

The Bible is often referred to as “the good book,” but sometimes it’s not. If they made the entire Bible into a movie it would be rated X. Would you want your children to see it? Read this book and then decide. Don’t bore yourself with the rest of the Bible – just read this one! All the boring stuff was taken out. Take a break from prime-time TV. Here’s all the sex, bloodshed and murder you can stand – all yours for just a few measley bucks. For those who take the Bible literally, we only ask that you not use this as a guidebook for moral conduct.

ISBN 1585090255 • 172 pages • Size: 5×8 • Price: $14.95

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