
Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.

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Gerald Massey’s Lectures

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Gerald Massey's Lectures

Author: Gerald Massey

Gerald Massey was a brilliant mythologist, Egyptologist, and researcher into the origins of Christianity. Most of the lectures found here cover these subjects, making this book a perfect overview of Massey’s ideas. He often reveals ancient hidden truths that bring a sudden understanding to our more modern religious beliefs.

Lecture titles include The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ; Paul as a Gnostic Opponent, not the Apostle of Historic Christianity; The Logia of the Lord, or the Pre-Christian Sayings Ascribed to Jesus the Christ; Gnostic and Historic Christianity; The Hebrew and other Creations Fundamentally Explained; The Devil of Darkness, or Evil in the Light of Evolution; Luniolatry: Ancient and Modern; Man in Search of His Soul During Fifty Thousand Years, and How He Found It; The Seven Souls of Man, and Their Culmination in the Christ; and The Coming Religion.

ISBN 9781585093229 • 292 pages • Price: $22.95

The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ

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The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ

Author: Gerald Massey
Preface: Paul Tice

Massey was an Egyptologist who wrote a tremendous body of scholarly work. He concluded that much of Christianity and its belief structure was rooted in ancient Egyptian mythology. At first this sounds strange, but some respected researchers in the field of religious studies have since come to agree. Presents a different and compelling view of Christianity and its roots.

ISBN 1585090735 • 244 pages • Size: 6×9

The Social Record of Christianity

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The Social Record of Christianity

Author: Joseph McCabe
Introduction: Paul Tice

Includes The Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Shows how Christianity has controlled the functions of society for centuries. Western civilization has been dependent upon the Christian religion for its ethical and moral teachings and, ultimately, its conduct. McCabe demonstrates, however, that the moral and ethical conduct of western civilization has flaws and the chief cause has been Christianity.

The Renaissance was a rebirth or revival of art, literature, and learning, with the major catalyst being Martin Luther’s rebellious breakaway from the Church in 1524. It could not get started until the old ways of suppression were shaken, and today it has still not happened completely. According to McCabe, we keep this socially repressive system because it continues to function as an “authority.” The Lies and Fallacies continues this theme, documenting an effort by clerical forces to remove historical facts surrounding Christianity. Shows how and why vital facts were either doctored or removed from the encyclopedia to cast Christianity into a better light.

ISBN 1585092150 • 204 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $17.95

The Origins of the New Testament

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The Origins of the New Testament

Author: Alfred Loisy

Sometime around 180 AD, a biblical canon became necessary for the survival of the Church. Serious Gnostic threats already had gospels of their own, including Marcion, Valentinus, and Basilides. Alfred Loisy shows how the Canon was put together and how it evolved from there. He was a respected Roman Catholic priest in France until the age of 51, so few can match his knowledge on this subject.

He was, however, excommunicated in 1908, having been a leader of a movement known as “Catholic Modernism.” They believed that truth could not be changed, but the representations of this truth could be changed, as done by the Church in some areas. They believed doctrine is not the same as history–which is why Loisy wrote this book. Some may claim it was written in response to his expulsion, but it more accurately freed him to share the research that he had found.

The goal of the book is to map out the progressive evolution of the New Testament and, according to the author, show how the formation of the literature “was conditioned by the evolution of Christian propaganda.” Loisy was foremost a Christian, who considered the New Testament to be a great achievement of humanity–but criticizes the chain of miracles it portrays. Because the New Testament is spiritual in essence, it has mistakenly caused us in the modern world to believe that certain supernatural “events” played a real part in history. He asserts that some later additions were required by “the needs of the moment,” and closely examines the work of editors in each gospel. This scholarly work was written to complement his other book, The Birth of the Christian Religion, also brought back into print by The Book Tree.

ISBN 9781585093915 • 334 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $24.95


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Author:  Alfred Loisy

This book is arguably the most thorough and masterful book on the formation of Christianity ever written. It presents historical facts without many of the standard, Christian preconceived notions or beliefs attached. The author, Alfred Loisy, was a Roman Catholic priest in France until the age of 51. He was excommunicated from the Church in 1908, having been a leader of a movement within the Church known as “Catholic Modernism.” They considered Christianity to be a living faith that changed with history and the growth in knowledge. They believed that truth could not be changed, but the representations of this truth could be changed, as done by the Church in some areas. They believed doctrine is not the same as history—which is why Loisy wrote this book. Some may claim it was written out of “sour grapes” after being excommunicated, but the expulsion merely freed him to explain the truth accurately. Scholars outside the control of the Church generally share Loisy’s opinion. His most famous quote was that “Jesus came preaching the Kingdom, and what arrived was the Church.” He was so esteemed as a scholar, that he was appointed chair of history of religions in the Collège de France, where he served until 1931. He passed away in 1940, at the age of 83.

ISBN 9781585093908 • 414 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $29.95

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