Our full catalog consists of 300+ Paperbacks and 80 Hardcovers.
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Author: John W. Waterhouse
This ancient religion is receiving attention in modern times due to its claimed influence by scholars upon Christianity. This particular author, however, focuses upon its relationship with Judaism. He presents proof that Christianity received influence from Zoroastrianism that was transmitted through Judaism. The author shows how the Exilic Period, when these two faiths existed in close proximity to one another. Chapters include Zoroaster Himself, The Mission and Ministry of the Prophet, The Scriptures of Zoroastrianism, Doctrine of God, Doctrine of Man, and Developments and Contacts.
ISBN 9781585092819 • 136 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $15.95
The Popol Vuh
Translated by Lewis Spence
Includes three bonus chapters not found in the original on Mythology and Religion of Ancient Mexico.
When the Spanish invaded Central America in the 16th and 17th centuries they destroyed the holy books of the Mayans in an effort to convert them to Christianity. Few texts survived, yet The Popol Vuh, the creation story of the Mayan culture, did. This is the first English rendering of that text. Tells the story of a great flood, gods who created mankind, and other parallels to stories from around the world. Their deities are fully explained and compared to those from Greece, Rome and Egypt.
ISBN 1585092363 • 116 pages • Size: 5.5×8.5 • Price: $12.95
The Doctrine of Sin in the Babylonian Religion
Author: Julian Morgenstern
Most believe that sin first arose with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. This means it is not of Christian origin. Christianity was not around for another two thousand years or more to include it in its belief structure. The first page of this book clarifies that sin, in its original form, was anything done to anger the gods (plural). The word for God in the Old Testament is elohim – a plural word.
This book is a vital source for early religious truths. Offers an outstanding rundown on the early gods, who they were and what they stood for. Contains surprising information on our origins, the source of evil, the gods, and mankind’s interactions with them.
ISBN 1585092045 • 168 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $15.95
Subtitle: An Archaeological and Documentary
Author: E. O. James
The Mother Goddess has been a powerful figure throughout most of human history. This symbol is unquestionably the most persistent feature in the archaeological record throughout the entire ancient world. This makes her a supremely important figure that is vastly overlooked today. All of the major female goddesses are covered, including Aphrodite, Rhea, Athena, Isis, Demeter, Astarte, Hathor, Serapis, Asherah, Artemis, Inanna/Ishtar, Kore/Persephone, Kybele, and the unnamed Venus figurine deity, as seen on the cover, that has been found in related forms in at least 17 different ancient cultures worldwide. This book provides a complete historical overview of the Mother Goddess and her influence.
ISBN 9781585093823 • 302 pages • Size: 6×9 • Price: $22.95
Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism
Author: Thomas Inman M.D.
An important key to the origins of Christianity and Western religion. Contains images traced to remote times and directly connected to most foundational beliefs. The symbol- ism shared between Christianity and the cultures of India, Babylonia, Assyria and Egypt, among others, are astounding. Also serves as an indispensable reference for anyone interested in the connection between early pagan religions and Christianity. Little known fact: During the filming of The Da Vinci Code movie, numerous copies were special ordered from us as required reading for all cast and crew.
ISBN 1885395957 • 216 pages • Size: 6×9 • illustrated • Price: $17.95